Examples of Established requirements in a sentence
Established requirements also provide guidelines for Federal awarding agencies and pass- through entities, which shall at all times, make sure that their procurement actions conform with applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations.
Established requirements addressing construction equipment operations, and construction material use, storage, and disposal requirements act to minimize odor impacts that may result from construction activities.
Established requirements have been developed to protect the City as well as any individual or entity using City premises.
Established requirements, as a rule, have been around for a long time; they tend to exist because they exist.
E.1 General Manager’s Report providing updates on various O&M and CIP activities.
Established requirements for the execution, validity, effect, and rescission of an AOB; b.
Established requirements from Federal/ DoD/Legislative AuthoritiesSSG: NA.
Established requirements re- lating to the administration of settlement proceeds paid to local governments.
Established requirements that any project using federal funding or requiring federal approval, including transportation projects, examine the effects of proposed and alternative choices on the environment before a federal decision is made.
With the progression of the NPDES programs and current stormwater management research, goals and objectives for stormwater treatment now include:• Increased requirements for nutrient removal,• Established requirements for discharges to impaired waters,• Updated BMP design criteria and allowance for BMP treatment train credits,• Encouragement of low impact or green infrastructure design, and• Encouragement to seek retrofitting opportunities.