Estimated Annual Consumption definition
Examples of Estimated Annual Consumption in a sentence
If a validated D86 is unavailable, the Supplier shall estimate an opening Meter reading for such Metering Point based on the Customer’s Estimated Annual Consumption.
We will charge you an administration fee of £250 for closing your account and the remainder of the Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) at 6p per kWh.
The Customer settles the bill and the Customer account is closed.The Old Data Collector calculates the Annualised Advance and Estimated Annual Consumption for the Metering Point and notifies the relevant parties.
Note that the Standard Settlement Configuration and Data Collector in the lower part of the screen is only used by the Estimated Annual Consumption and Annualised Advances part of the report and there may be a History for the Metering System where no Standard Settlement Configuration and Data Collector data is present.
Such value shall on the Settlement Days it is effective replace the previous Estimated Annual Consumption effective on such Settlement Days.