Examples of Eurobond Basis in a sentence
Day Count Fraction: [[Actual/365] [Actual/Actual - ISDA] [Actual 365 (Fixed)][Actual/360] [30/360] [Actual/Actual - ICMA][360/360] [Bond Basis] [30E/360] [Eurobond Basis] [30E/360 (ISDA)]] Zero Coupon Note Provisions [Applicable/Not Applicable](i) Amortisation Yield: [●] per cent.
Actual/365] [Actual/365 (Fixed)] [Actual/360] [30/360] [30E/360] [Eurobond Basis].
Renminbi Notes only(xiv) Day Count Fraction:[Actual/365 / Actual/Actual - ISDA / Actual/Actual –ICMA / Actual/365 (Fixed) / Actual/360 / 30/360 / 360/360 / Bonds Basis / [30E/360 / Eurobond Basis] 15.
Day Count Fraction:[Actual/Actual (ICMA)] [Actual/365] [Actual/365 (Fixed)] [Actual/365 (Sterling)] [Actual/360] [30/360] [/360/360] [Bond Basis] [30E/360] [Eurobond Basis] [Specify other]vii.
If a Benchmark Event has occurred in relation to the Original Benchmark Rate, then the Issuer shall endeavour to appoint an Independent Adviser as soon as possible, who will determine a New Benchmark Rate, the Adjustment Spread (in accordance with§ 3(d)(v)) and any Benchmark If "30E /360" or "Eurobond Basis" ap- plies, the following applies:§ 3(d)(v)) und etwaige Benchmark- Änderungen (gemäß § 3(d)(vi)) festlegt.Amendments (in accordance with§ 3(d)(vi)).