Examples of Exceptional increase in a sentence
The approved amount by the Commission shall be trued up in the Annual Performance Review.Note 6: Exceptional increase in employee cost on account of pay revision etc.
Exceptional increase in the generation and availability of clinical and neuroimaging data sets has forced the advancements in data processing infrastructures and analysis applications.
Exceptional increase means only those increases filed by a carrier as exceptional for which the commissioner determines the need for the premium rate increase is justified:I.
Exceptional increase in order intake (+56.8% y-o-y) – Strong delivery, with sales growth of 25.1% versus prior-year period – Overproportionate increase ofEBIT (+35.0% y-o-y) and earnings per share (+37.7% y-o-y) – Ongoing progress with sustainability activities and commitments – Full-year outlook confirmed The first half of the current fiscal year 2022 was marked by an ex- ceptionally high order intake, strong sales growth and a significant increase in profitability compared to the prior-year period.
Note 6: Exceptional increase in employee cost on account of pay revision etc.