Excessive use of force definition

Excessive use of force means using force in violation of
Excessive use of force means force beyond the minimum necessary to mitigate an individual’s behavior, in order to protect the individual or others from harm.
Excessive use of force means force beyond the minimum necessary to mitigate an individual's behavior.

Examples of Excessive use of force in a sentence

  • Excessive use of force, killings, disappearances, torture and ill-treatment C.

  • Excessive use of force can lead to disciplinary or criminal accountability measures against the police personnel involved.

  • For example, if in the summary of allegations, #1 is Excessive use of force, #1 of the findings must be Excessive use of force and then make a finding.

  • Excessive use of force by police: a survey of academic emergency physicians.

  • Excessive use of force in effectuating a seizure violates the Fourth Amendment.

  • Excessive use of force and unconstitutional policing are critical foundational concerns that sparked the Department of Justice investigations of the Cleveland Division of Police and, as a result, are also at the heart of the Consent Decree.

  • Excessive use of force can occur in the context of demonstrations, armed raids, or other military and policing operations.

  • Excessive use of force by police has been a major concern in a variety of incidents involving Roma in different countries, and has resulted in number of court cases at national and European levels.

  • County of Washoe, • Failure to follow up on prisoners with known or suspected mental health disorders.35• Failure to provide adequate numbers of qualified mental health staff.36• Housing mentally ill prisoners in segregation or “supermax” units.37• Failure to transfer seriously mentally ill prisoners to more appropriate facilities.38• Improper use of restraints.39• Excessive use of force against mentally ill prisoners.40 290 F.3d 1175, 1189 (9th Cir.

  • The professional qualifications and experience of the Proposer necessary to provide the Products and Services as outlined herein.

More Definitions of Excessive use of force

Excessive use of force means the failure to employ the least amount of physical force necessary under the circumstances, taking into consideration all of the circumstances surrounding the incident, including the:
Excessive use of force means using force in violation of State or federal law.

Related to Excessive use of force

  • Oppressive State means: Tibet Autonomous Region and the Provinces of Ado, Kham and U-Tsang

  • Event of Force Majeure means one of the following events:

  • Restricted use pesticide means any pesticide or device which, when used as directed or in accordance with a widespread and commonly recognized practice, the director determines, subsequent to a hearing, requires additional restrictions for that use to prevent unreasonable adverse effects on the environment including people, lands, beneficial insects, animals, crops, and wildlife, other than pests.

  • Apprenticeship Agreement means a written agreement between the Company and the person employed as an apprentice, and his/her parent or guardian if he/she is a minor, which agreement or indenture shall be reviewed by the Joint Apprenticeship Committee, approved by the Supervisor of Apprentices and registered with the Registration Agency.

  • Use Agreement means the use agreement by and between the Owner and HUD which commences on or before the Effective Date, runs with the land, binds all subsequent owners and creditors of the Exemption Area, and requires that the housing project on the Exemption Area continue to operate on terms at least as advantageous to existing and future tenants as the terms required by the original Section 202 loan agreement or any Section 8 rental assistance payments contract or any other rental housing assistance contract and all applicable federal regulations.

  • Passive NFE Under the CRS a “Passive NFE” means any NFE that is not an Active NFE. An Investment Entity located in a Non-Participating Jurisdiction and managed by another Financial Institution is also treated as a Passive NFE for purposes of the CRS.

  • Restricted Areas means (i) all areas within the Facility that are not generally accessible to the public, including judges’ xxxxxxxx, all non-public restrooms, elevators, break rooms, and corridors, and other non-public spaces that are dedicated for use only by judges or Court staff and employees, (ii) public areas of a Facility during non-business hours that are subject to security screening during normal business hours, and (iii) the areas defined as Restricted Areas in the Background Check Policy.

  • Public garage means a building or other place where vehicles or vessels are kept and stored and where a charge is made for the storage and keeping of vehicles and vessels.

  • Period of Agreement means 5 years from the date of Final acceptance of the Project.