Exclusive Franchise definition
Examples of Exclusive Franchise in a sentence
Attachment: Jan 14 2016 Final San Bernardino Franchise Agreement For City Council (4261 : Agreement with Burrtec for Waste Collection City of San Bernardino Exclusive Franchise Agreement for Integrated Solid Waste Collection, Processing, and Disposal Services With Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc.
Recyclable Materials collected from Commercial and Industrial Units 5 are included in this Exclusive Franchise to the extent provided in state and federal law.
O-2019-041 -Approving An Exclusive Franchise Agreement With Waste Connections Lone Star, Inc., A Texas Corporation, For The Collection, Hauling, And Disposal Or Recycling Of Municipal Solid Waste And Recyclable Materials In The City Of Fate, Texas; Authorizing The City Manager To Execute The Agreement; Providing A Severability And Repealer Clause And Providing An Effective Date.
Collector acknowledges and agrees that it has received a copy of the Exclusive Franchise Agreement and understands the terms and conditions of the Exclusive Franchise Agreement, as amended.
Alarcón - Krekorian - Koretz) instructing the BOS to include in its report to Council on the proposed new system for commercial and multifamily waste program incentives and similar programs to businesses that meet or exceed the goals or the proposed program.On February 13, 2012 the Board unanimously recommended that the City Council authorize the BOS to move forward with the implementation of an Exclusive Franchise system for both commercial and multi-family solid waste hauling.
The Board, through the BOS, recommended that the City implement an Exclusive Franchise system.
The County Has the Authority to Grant an Exclusive Franchise Over Waste Collection and Disposal Disposal’s second argument was that the County exceeded its police power authority in granting an exclusive franchise for the collection and disposal of construction waste.
A motion was made by Council Member Smith, seconded by Council Member Lawson, to approve the “Amended and Restated Garbage and Recycling Exclusive Franchise Agreement” and associated attachments between the City of Sparks and Sparks Sanitation for a base term to expire on June 30, 2028.
Lastly, the outgoing queries to the dynamic DNS server have a low value, since comparing them is hard and has many downfalls.
The City of Dana Point is requesting proposals from qualified Consultants to organize and complete a comprehensive performance audit of the City’s Solid Waste and Recycling Services Exclusive Franchise Agreement with CR&R, Inc.