Exclusive Franchise Sample Clauses
Exclusive Franchise. Upon compliance with all conditions precedent with this subchapter and state law, franchise(s) granted under this subchapter shall be exclusive, unless otherwise expressed.
Exclusive Franchise. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, Mn/DOT grants to Minnesota Logos the exclusive right to construct, maintain, and operate the Franchise Program from August 1, 1995, to December 31, 2005, or other such date as may be allowed under the terms of this agreement. Minnesota Logos shall construct, install and maintain logo signs at eligible locations (as specified in Exhibit 1) even if there is only one eligible business advertiser requesting a business panel.
Exclusive Franchise. A. The only exclusive food and beverage supplier at Saddleback College will be the beverage vending and soft drink supplier.
B. All CONTRACTORs must comply with the DISTRICT’s contract with Pepsi or another exclusive CONTRACTOR to sell soft drinks and other products.
Exclusive Franchise. 5 State Law Authorization. Public Resources Code Section 40059(a)(2) authorizes County to 6 provide solid waste handling services by means of wholly exclusive franchise, contract, license 7 or permit.
Exclusive Franchise. A. Contractor shall be, during the duration of this contract, the only authorized and endorsed bookstore on campus, online and via catalog. The District will cooperate with the contractor and use its highest offices to prevent or discourage unauthorized competitive activities. Occasionally, the Friends of the Library or some student groups may request authorization to conduct used book sales to raise funds for their programs; the College(s) will consult and coordinate with the Contractor prior to authorizing these events.
B. Contractor will also have the right to use the College’s seal and logo on items such as stationary, soft goods, notebooks, pens, pencils, decals, and other manufactured goods traditionally sold in campus bookstores.
C. Contractor agrees that the bookstore may sell gum, candy, and prepackaged goods but no other food or beverage items that conflict with existing food service contracts. Any changes to the items offered for sale must be specifically authorized by the District. District and Contractor will review product offerings during the Term of the Agreement.
D. The above notwithstanding, the District cannot restrict other business to advertise on campus as long as they comply with the pertinent board policies. In that context, business offering textbooks for sale have occasionally advertised on campus; the District does not enforce these vendors and will not allow sales on campus but cannot prevent the advertising from taking place.
Exclusive Franchise. City grants to Contractor the exclusive right to collect, haul, and dispose of the Collection Materials within City for the period commencing upon the operational date of this Franchise, which is July 1, 2023, and continuing to and including December 31, 2033 (“Initial Term”). The parties shall have the option to extend the Agreement for one additional (5) five-year term (“Extended Term”). The Extended Term shall automatically commence upon the expiration of the Initial Term unless either party gives 180 days’ written notice to the other that it will not exercise the option to extend the Agreement as this paragraph provides. Contractor shall commence collection, hauling, and disposal operations under this Agreement on the operative date of this Franchise. Upon Franchise expiration or termination of this Agreement for any reason, City shall have the full right and authority to solicit proposals from any and all interested persons for these franchise privileges, without any obligations to or preference for the contractor herein.
Exclusive Franchise. For the term of the Concession Agreement, the Concessionaire shall have the exclusive right and franchise to provide food, beverages and merchandise for sale to passengers on SMART’s trains. There will be no concessions provided at SMART Stations.
Exclusive Franchise. Contractor agrees that this Agreement is an “exclusive franchise” as that term is used in Public Resources Code § 40059. Attachment: Jan 14 2016 Final San Bernardino Franchise Agreement For City Council (4261 : Agreement with Burrtec for Waste Collection City of San Bernardino Exclusive Franchise Agreement for Integrated Solid Waste Collection, Processing, and Disposal Services With Burrtec Waste Industries, Inc.
Exclusive Franchise. This is an exclusive franchise.
Exclusive Franchise. A. The only exclusive food and beverage supplier at Saddleback College will be the beverage vending and soft drink supplier. As such, the following foods may be served on campus:
1. Snack bar foods managed by college clubs at athletic events.
2. Occasional home-baked-item "bake sales"; ethnic food events; theatre, music, art, speech, etc. sponsored by student or faculty groups and approved by DISTRICT or college administration.
3. Pre-packaged foods at Angels for the Arts Events sponsored by the Fine Arts Department.
4. Mobile food trucks at construction sites.
5. Mobile food trucks once a month on the upper quad as approved by DISTRICT or college administration.
6. Mobile food trucks once a week south of Library Road (e.g. on Theatre Circle or in the Village) as approved by DISTRICT or college administration; these weekly food trucks will be scheduled on a day other than Wednesdays.
7. Mobile food trucks within campus and approved by DISTRICT or college administration for evening or weekend events.
8. Coffee cart services at satellite locations or in the village. Coffee carts may offer pastries or pre-packaged snacks on upper campus and may additionally offer some pre-packaged sandwiches or salads in the Village Café location.
9. Vending machine snacks.
B. All CONTRACTORS must comply with the DISTRICT’s contract with Pepsi or another exclusive CONTRACTOR to sell soft drinks and other products.