Exempt facility definition

Exempt facility means any of the following:
Exempt facility means any of the facilities defined in division (B), (D), (F), (I), (K), or (L) of this section for which an exempt facility certificate is issued pursuant to section 5709.21 or for which a certificate remains valid under section 5709.201 of the Revised Code.
Exempt facility or "exempt mobile equipment" means a facility or mobile equipment for which an agency utilizes criteria established by the chief energy officer of the Hawaii state energy office to determine that compliance with this part is not practical.

Examples of Exempt facility in a sentence

  • An issuer may apply this section to any bond sold before July 8, 1997.[T.D. 8718, 62 FR 25506, May 9, 1997] § 1.142(a)(5)–1 Exempt facility bonds: Sewage facilities.(a) In general.

  • Qualified redevelopment bonds.4. Exempt facility bonds taken into account under section 142(a).

  • Exempt facility bonds include qualified enterprise zone facility bonds for use in empowerment zones and enterprise communities.Qualified public educational facilities.

  • An Exempt facility is an Accessory Use and no special permit is required, except when an Exempt facility is located in a Historic District.

  • An Exempt facility located in a Historic District or on the site of a designated landmark is considered a Mini Facility subject to administrative Historic and Cultural Preservation approval as prescribed in Section 15.050.

More Definitions of Exempt facility

Exempt facility means any facility described in section 142(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and in effect as of July 1, 2011.
Exempt facility means the bond use category which
Exempt facility means a biomass pilot test facility that has uncontrolled emissions below the permit emissions threshold values in 9VAC5-520-170 and is not required to obtain any new source review permit but must operate according to the terms and conditions set forth in 9VAC5-520-180 J 2.
Exempt facility means a skilled nursing facility that is part of a continuing care retirement community, a skilled nursing facility operated by the state or another public entity, a unit that provides pediatric subacute services in a skilled nursing facility, a skilled nursing facility that is certified by the State Department of Mental Health for a special treatment program and is an institution for mental disease as defined in Section 1396d(i) of Title 42 of the United States Code, or a skilled nursing facility that is a distinct part of a facility that is licensed as a general acute care hospital.
Exempt facility means any of the facilities defined 34
Exempt facility means a wastewater treatment facility that is not required to be operated by a certified operator.
Exempt facility means any facility described in section 142(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and in effect as of June 30, 2007. If section 142(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended or altered on or after July 1, 2007, the Oregon Business Development Depart- ment may adopt by rule a definition of “ex- empt facility” that is consistent with section 142(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended or altered.