Expansion definition
Expansion means the addition of buildings, structures, machinery or equipment for purposes of increasing production capacity.
Expansion or “Expanded” means construction or any activity that has resulted or may result in an increase in the number of animal units that an animal feedlot is capable of holding or an increase in storage capacity of a manure storage area.
Expansion means an addition to a distribution system in response to a request for additional customer connections that otherwise could not be made; for example, by increasing the length of the distribution system;
Examples of Expansion in a sentence
Dodgeville Public Library Renovation and Expansion Project $4,250,000.00 $4,701,282.00 $8,951,282.00 No minimum amount of match funding is required for the Grantee to receive the full Grant Award.
Expansion and Interconnection Manual (“Manual”), the Class Year Study for Class Year 2021 determined that certain special studies for the Large Generating Facility would be required to be performed after the completion of the Class Year Study for purposes of identifying any additional System Upgrade Facilities required for the Large Generating Facility at the new Xxxxxx Substation pursuant to NPCC Directory #8, as applicable.
More Definitions of Expansion
Expansion means a change in a residence, facility, site, or use that:
Expansion means a modification or addition to the main distribution system in response to one or more requests for one or more additional customer connections that otherwise could not be made, for example, by increasing the length of the main distribution system, and includes the modifications or additions to the main distribution system identified in section 3.2.30 but in respect of a renewable energy generation facility excludes a renewable enabling improvement;
Expansion or "Modification" means (i) a material increase in mining or production capacity; (ii) a material change in the recovery process; or (iii) a material change in waste or tailings disposal methods. An increase or change shall be deemed "material" if it is anticipated to cost more than twenty percent (20%) of original capital costs attributable to the Development of the mining or production capacity, recovery process or waste or tailings disposal facility to be expanded or modified.
Expansion means the modification, extension, alteration or upgrading of a facility, structure or infrastructure at which an activity takes place in such a manner that the capacity of the facility or the footprint of the activity is increased;
Expansion means the addition of buildings, structures, fixed machinery, or equipment for the purpose of increasing production capacity.
Expansion means the modification to the existing facilities of the Carrier that resulted in approximately thirteen thousand (13,000) barrels per day (“bpd”) of increased capacity, of which approximately eleven thousand, four hundred and twenty (11, 420) bpd is to be reserved for use primarily by Committed Shippers.
Expansion means the addition of buildings, structures, fixed machinery or equipment for the purposes of increasing capacity.