Expansion Projects definition
Examples of Expansion Projects in a sentence
Evaluation of Tennessee Gas Pipeline 300 Line Expansion Projects in PA & NJ,” prepared for the Delaware RiverKeeper Network, by Richard B.
Yes Requirements - Transit and TDM ProjectsFor Transit Expansion Projects Only1.The project must provide a new or expanded transit facility or service(includes peak, off-peak, express, limited stop service on an existing route, or dial-a-ride).Check the box to indicate that the project meets this requirement.
All other rates are the applicable maximum rates under Rate Schedule KRF-1 for incremental rate service related to the 2003/2010 Expansion Projects.
The shippers on the MVP and Equitrans Expansion Projects will supply gas to a variety of end users and those shippers have determined that there is a market for their gas and the MVP and Equitrans Expansion Projects are the preferred means of delivering or receiving that gas.
The final EIS states that construction of the MVP and Equitrans Expansion Projects will impact a total of 32.1 acres of wetlands, including 24.9 acres of emergent wetlands, 2.5 acres of scrub-shrub wetlands, and 4.6 acres of forested wetlands.212 Because all wetlands will be restored after pipeline installation, there will be no net loss of wetlands.