Expropriations Act definition
Examples of Expropriations Act in a sentence
Serve notices of the above application(s) required by the Expropriations Act; 3.
Expropriations Act – City purchase of Wedge (vacant parcel) on West Side of Fortissimo Drive, Adjacent To 879 and 885 West 5th Street from 1125814 Ontario Limited - LS16002/PED16023) (Ward 8) (Item 12.2) Direction was given to staff in Closed Session with nothing to report in Open Session.
Land repurchased by an owner in accordance with section 42 of the Expropriations Act.
That Council for the City of Mississauga, as the approving authority under the Expropriations Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.
If during the Term, the whole or any part of the Lands is expropriated, the Lessee shall be entitled pursue any claims as per the provisions of the Ontario Expropriations Act R.S.O 1990, Chapter E.
History and Intent of Sections 41 and 42 of the Expropriations Act Legislation governing the disposal of expropriated land dates back to 1845 when the Land Clauses Consolidation Act recognized the rights of original owners to repurchase property before superfluous lands could be sold by expropriating authorities.
The purpose of this report is to receive authorization to serve offers, under the Expropriations Act, on those parties who have a registered interest in the properties being expropriated.
The Chair of the Board of Negotiation is appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council pursuant to section 27(1) of the Expropriations Act.
With respect to the individual school boards, the Education Act16 works in unison with the Expropriations Act to provide the justificatory authority and procedure by which land is expropriated for educational purposes.B. Emotional Attachment to the HomeEmotional attachment to the home may not seem relevant to an analysis of school boards’ statutory power to expropriate.
The Bill is explicit that such a transfer does not constitute an expropriation or injurious affection for the purposes of the Expropriations Act and that the transfer may be with or without compensation.