Facilities Covered definition
Examples of Facilities Covered in a sentence
General Provisions Facilities Covered By Agreement Effective Date and Duration of Agreement State Agency’s Continuing Obligation Effect on Other Compliance Matters Prohibition Against Retaliation and Intimidation OCR’s Review of MMH’s Compliance with this Agreement Failure to Comply with the Terms of this Agreement Non-Waiver Provision Entire Agreement Modification of Agreement Effect of MMH Program Changes Publication or Release of this Agreement Authority of Signer Third Party Rights IV.
Description of the Facilities Covered by this Permit: This general New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) permit renewal is issued in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:14A, and applies only to food processing operations generating food processing by-products (as defined in this general permit).
All Other Facilities Covered by the ABA GSA’s Federal Management Regulation (41 CFR Part 102-76) applies its ABA Standards to construction and alterations that begin after May 8, 2006, lease-construction as of June 30, 2006, and other lease actions solicited after February 6, 2007.
ICP efforts will improve DTRA and U.S. Government understanding of partner countries’ organization and their ability to counter illicit WMD trafficking.
The Mooring Hardware Report has the following objectives:• Establish adequacy of mooring facilities.• Enable facility users to develop efficient berthing plans.• Establish baseline data on existing mooring hardware and berthing capacity.• Provide facility users with information sufficient to determine level of effort to maintain or upgrade existing capacity.1-3 APPLICATION1-3.1 Facilities Covered.
Operation and Maintenance of Pipelines and Associated Surface Facilities Covered Activities include operation and maintenance of existing and newly built facilities and decommissioning of obsolete facilities as described above.
Comment 22 Categories of Facilities Covered by this Permit (Part 1.5) We request clarification on the difference between Industrial Sectors L1 and L2.
EPA notes that, unlike the 2008 MSGP, facilities located in EPA Regions 7 and 8 will be covered by the permit.B. Categories of Facilities Covered This permit regulates stormwater discharges from industrial facilities in 30 sectors, as shown above in section I.A.C. Summary of Significant Proposed Changes from the 2008 Multi-Sector General Permit.
Expired permits Table 1: Percentage of Facilities Covered by Current Permits in Michigan(State-issued permits) 2000Nat’l Avg.2001Nat’l Avg.2002Nat’l Avg.2003Nat’l Avg.Major Facilities Covered by Individual Permits78.5%74%82.5%76%96.8%83%95.7%84%Minor Facilities Covered by Individual Permits79.1%69%83.5%73%96.9%79%97.0%81%Minor Facilities Covered by General PermitsN/AN/AN/AN/A98.8%85%98.6%86%Source: PCS, 12/31/00; 12/31/01; 12/31/02; 12/31/03.
Comment 23 Categories of Facilities Covered by this Permit (Part 1.5) Per Part 8.2 viii (Definition for Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity) transportation facilities with SIC Codes 40, 41, 42 (except 4221-4225), 43, 44, 45, and 5171 which have vehicle maintenance shops, equipment cleaning operations, or airport deicing operations requires coverage for storm water associated with industrial activity.