Examples of Facility Purposes in a sentence
S-5468 to Hui Malama O Ke Kai Foundation, Lessee, for Multi-Purpose Community Facility Purposes, Waimanalo, Oahu, Tax Map Key: (1) 4-1- 009:265 The purpose of the amendment is to amend the rent reopening provision of the lease to provide that upon reopenings rent shall be based on the Board’s then prevailing policy on leasing to eleemosynary organization.
The Brightwater community facilities land was transferred to Council by the Developer in accordance with the relevant Infrastructure Agreement.In establishing the Estate of Brightwater in 2004, Lot 8001 SP 226924 was set aside for Community Facility Purposes and transferred to Council in 2011.
The Act provides that the pledge of revenues and monies securing bonds issued for Cactus League Purposes (“Subordinate Bonds”) is subordinate to the pledge securing bonds or other debt obligations issued pursuant to the Act for Multipurpose Facility Purposes and, except for monies already in the Cactus League Promotion Account, to the distribution of monies pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes Section 5-835, subsection B, paragraph 2.
Beyond the road frontage, adjacent properties are undeveloped, with no neighboring residential uses to the south and west.
As authorized by Sections 45.001 and 45.003(b)(1), Texas Education Code, as amended, and the Election, the Bonds shall be issued in fully registered form, without coupons, in the aggregate principal amount of $[_] for: (a) Stadium Facility Purposes, (b) School Building and Site Purposes, (c) Student Activity Center Purposes, and (d) paying the costs of issuing the Bonds.
This falls in a range between the CV and the impersonal corporate advert.
Because the session key is correctly shared between users, if and only if the users involved in the MAC key distribution and MAC-authenticated multi-party key exchange phase are linked in a cyclic.
The Local Planning Authority (LPA)considers that, where pertinent, the NPPF is a material consideration and as such, it will be taken into account in decision-making as appropriate.
Issuance of Direct Lease to Ho`ōla Nā Pua for Residential Treatment Facility Purposes; Amend Prior Board of July 25, 2014, Item D-9 by Allowing Security Presence under the Immediate Right-of-Entry for Due Diligence Purposes; Waialeʻe, Koʻolauloa, Oʻahu, Tax Map Key (1) 5-8-001:051.
It is hereby declared to be necessary to, and the Authority shall, issue, sell and deliver, as authorized and provided in this Resolution, Senior Bonds of the Authority in the maximum principal amount of $250,000,000, to provide monies for Multipurpose Facility Purposes.