Failed Requests is the set of all requests within Total Requests that either return an Error Code or an HTTP 408 status code or otherwise fail to return a Success Code within two minutes.
Failed Requests is the set of all requests within Total Requests that fail to return either a Success Code or HTTP 4xx response.
Failed Requests are requests within Total Requests that either return an Error Code or fail to return a Success Code within the maximum upper bounds documented in the table below.
Examples of Failed Requests in a sentence
Requests Failed, Requests Timed Out, and Channel Errors indicate erroneous or invalid responses.
More Definitions of Failed Requests
Failed Requests is the set of all requests within Total Requests that either return an Error Code or an HTTP 408 status code or fail to return a Success Code within 5 minutes for Database Account creation and deletion, 3 minutes for updating the Performance/Offer level, and 5 seconds for all other operations.
Failed Requests is the set of all requests to Azure Cost Management service within Total Requests that return an error code or fail to be served by the service.
Failed Requests is the set of all requests within Total Requests that fail to return either a Success Code or HTTP 4xx response. “Replica” is a copy of a search index within a Search Service Instance.
Failed Requests are requests within Total Requests that either return an Error Code or fail to return a Success Code within the maximum upper bounds documented in the table below. Operation Maximum Upper Bound on Processing Latency All Database Account configuration operations 2 Minutes Add a new Region 60 Minutes Manual Failover 5 Minutes Resource Operations 5 Seconds Media Operations 60 Seconds
Failed Requests means the set of all requests within Total Requests that either return an Error Code or an HTTP 408 status code or otherwise fail to return a Success Code within two minutes. "Monthly Uptime Percentage" for the API calls made to the Data Integration Resources is calculated as Total Requests less Failed Requests divided by Total Requests in a billing month for a given Microsoft Azure subscription. Monthly Uptime Percentage is represented by the following formula:
Failed Requests is the set of all requests within Total Requests that either return an Error Code or fail to return a Success Code within 60 seconds. Introduction Appendices 🡪 🡪 🡪 🡪 Table of Contents / Definitions Azure Stream Analytics “Total Transaction Attempts” is the total number of authenticated REST API requests to manage a streaming job within the Stream Analytics Service by Customer during an Applicable Period for a given Microsoft Azure subscription.
Failed Requests means a Transaction where the response from Flow servers does not meet the Success Rate measures in Section 3 below.