Examples of Fault Level in a sentence
The Corrective Action Plan shall include, at a minimum: (i) a commitment by Company to Customer to devote the appropriate time, skilled personnel, systems support and equipment, and/or resources to remedy the Fault Level 1 incident; (ii) a strategy for developing any programming/software Updates, fixes, patches, etc.
Company will not be responsible for any cost that the Customer may incur in making changes to resolve Fault Level 1 incidents.
If they are not available or are unable to attend within a reasonable time period in relation to a response by Company to a support request, Company reserves the right to lower the Fault Level.
Inthe eventthat a Fault Level 1 Incident occurs, Company shall promptlyinvestigate theroot causesof such support issues and shall provide to Customer within ten (10) days of the occurrence of the Fault Level 1 Incident an analysis of such root causes and a proposed corrective action plan for Customer’s review, comment and approval (the “Corrective Action Plan”).