Examples of TSR Percentile in a sentence
The percentile performance for determining the TSR Percentile Rank will be measured using the Microsoft Excel function PERCENTRANK.
The Company’s ranking is then divided by the total number of entities within the S&P 500 Companies to get the Relative TSR Percentile Rank.
Relative TSR Percentile Rank is determined by ranking the Company and all other S&P 500 Companies according to their respective Total Shareholder Return for the Performance Period.
The TSR and the TSR Percentile Rank will be determined by the Committee in accordance with the formula and methods approved by the Committee, as described below.
To satisfy the TSR Performance Requirement, the TSR Percentile (as hereinafter defined) of Disney must equal or exceed the TSR Percentile of 25.00% of the S&P 500 Companies (the “S&P 25th TSR Percentile”).