Fee Component definition

Fee Component means the regular, ongoing fees due from time to time to the Governmental Lender, the Fiscal Agent and the Rebate Analyst, if any, expressed as a flat, fixed amount or in terms of a percentage of the unpaid principal amount of the Funding Loan on an annual basis.
Fee Component has the meaning set forth in the Project Loan Agreement.
Fee Component means, with respect to each Bond Mortgage Loan, the regular, ongoing fees due from time to time to the Issuer, the Bond Trustee and the rebate analyst, as such fees are set forth in the applicable Indenture.

Examples of Fee Component in a sentence

  • Unless the Fiscal Agent is instructed otherwise by the Funding Lender Representative, the Fiscal Agent shall automatically transfer amounts from the Borrower Equity Account of the Project Loan Fund to the Administration Fund to pay to the appropriate party its accrued fees that are included in the Fee Component that are due and payable as set forth herein or upon receipt of an invoice, without any need for a Requisition or other written direction.

  • Amounts on deposit in the Project Loan Fund shall be disbursed from time to time by the Fiscal Agent for the purpose of paying (i) interest on the Funding Loan and the Fee Component, in each case when due and (ii) Costs of the Project, and will be disbursed pursuant to a Requisition, except as otherwise set forth in Section 4.02(c) below.

More Definitions of Fee Component

Fee Component means any costs, as notified by the Issuer to the Calculation Agent (including but not limited to any structuring costs) which were included in the issue price of the relevant Note in an amount equal to the amount of such costs multiplied by the number of days from the Early Redemption Valuation Date to the Maturity Date and divided by the number of days from the Issue Date until the Maturity Date of such Notes;
Fee Component means that portion of the Administrative Fee representing the regularly scheduled monthly servicing fee of .125% per annum of the outstanding principal balance of the Mortgage Note, payable to the Corporation pursuant to the terms of the Loan Agreement.
Fee Component means the regular, ongoing fees due from time to time to Governmental Lender, Fiscal Agent and the Rebate Analyst, if any, expressed as a flat, fixed amount or in terms of a percentage of the unpaid principal amount of the Funding Loan on an annual basis.
Fee Component means, with respect to each Bond Mortgage Loan, the regular, ongoing fees due from time to time to the Issuer, the Bond Trustee and the rebate analyst, as such fees are set forth in the applicable Bond Documents.
Fee Component has the meaning set forth in the Project Loan Agreement. “Financing Documents” means, collectively, this Funding Loan Agreement, the Governmental Note, the Tax Certificate, the Project Loan Documents, the Loan Documents and all other documents or instruments evidencing, securing or relating to the Loans, and any amendments, modifications, renewals or substitutions of any of the foregoing pursuant to their respective terms.
Fee Component means a portion of the Fee allocated to specific Public Facilities, which corresponds to the cost of the various Public Facilities, plus the cost of administering the Fee program. The Fee Components are as follows:
Fee Component means the Authority Fee as defined in the Tax Regulatory Agreement, the annual fee of the Fiscal Agent equal to $3,100 per outstanding series of Government Note, payable in advance on each [March 1], commencing [March] 1, 2022 and the fees of the Rebate Analyst, if any, expressed as a flat, fixed amount or in terms of a percentage of the unpaid principal amount of the Funding Loan on an annual basis.