Examples of Figure 14 in a sentence
For multi-volume AIs, DoDIs, or DoDMs, the purpose consists of one basic statement pertaining to the issuance’s purpose in its entirety (i.e., all the volumes) and a volume-specific statement summarizing the content of the subject volume (see Figure 14).
In Figure 14, meta- model concepts have been added that include KPIs, which are:25• Global process KPI - which measures the overall performance of a business process• Event KPI - which measures event performance• Lane KPI - measures tape performance• Activity KPI - measures activity performance• Subprocess KPI - measures subprocess performance• Task KPI - measures task performance Figure 14 - Meta model with KPI extension Source: Wannes, Aicha, and Sonia Ghannouchi.
The new regulation has changed the land transfer process and abolished the demolition permit (Figure 1.4).
However, as the local opacity increases moving outwards, diffuse photons start to be absorbedDownloaded from https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/411/3/1678/972366 by guest on 17 February 2021 =Figure 14.
Flowchart of steps involved in making a routine wetland determination when an onsite visit is necessary (Continued) Figure 14.