Examples of Erosion Prevention in a sentence
Low Risk Site Handbook for Erosion Prevention and Sediment ControlPlease provide the Principal Operator access to the Low Risk Site Handbook.
In addition, projects disturbing one acre or more are required to obtain a City of Eugene Commercial Erosion Prevention permit.o For projects with over one acre of disturbance, a Construction Site Management Plan must be prepared by a certified professional.
Item No. 3 – Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control:This item includes all work related to procuring, installing, and maintaining erosion prevention and sediment control (EPSC) measures for the duration of the project as shown on the Construction Drawings.
Purchaser in accordance with C6.6 - Erosion Prevention and Control, shall remove such structures and associated fills.
Permit Holder RequirementsMeasures necessary to meet the outcomes of the program per R-6.645-D of the Administrative Order will be required on all projects covered by the Annual Erosion Prevention Permit.
A DEQ 1200-CN Construction Stormwater General permit is automatically issued with the City Commercial Erosion Prevention Permit for sites greater than one acre.o For projects disturbing five or more acres, a City Erosion Prevention Permit and a DEQ 1200-C Construction Stormwater Permit are required.• Commercial permits require additional review time, an on-site pre-construction meeting with a City Erosion Prevention Specialist, as well as additional permit fees.
An inspector is a person that has successfully completed (has a valid certification from) the "Fundamentals of Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Level I" course or equivalent course.
These terms include: ⚫ Implementation of erosion prevention and sediment control practices required by the Low Risk Site Handbook for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control.⚫ All areas of disturbance must have temporary or final stabilization within 14 days of the initial disturbance.
Eugene, OR 97401541-682-8498 · 541-682-5593 Faxpwerosion@ci.eugene.or.us www.eugene-or.gov/erosion Annual Erosion Prevention Permit Narrative Construction Site Management Plan 2019Issued pursuant to City of Eugene Administrative Order No. 58-03-01-F ISSUED TO: City of Eugene Public Works Engineering Date Assigned: 01-02-2019Katie Marwitz99 E.
Information regarding erosion controls are found in Attachment C- Typical Best Management Practice Drawings and are further detailed in the Vermont Standards and Specification for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control available from the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources - Water Quality Division.