Examples of Final disciplinary action in a sentence
For simplicity, we have assumed the transactions to be completed in 2017 in our analysis, although the GZRF transaction may only be completed in January 2018.
Final disciplinary action determinations will not be rendered until the completion of the presentation and rebuttal meetings where the Employer and the Employee, together with the Representative, through use of evidence, documents and witnesses, have the opportunity to present their respective cases.
Final disciplinary action determinations will not be rendered until the completion of the presentation and rebuttal meetings where the Employer and the employee together with the Representative, through use of evidence, documents and witnesses, have the opportunity to present their respective cases.
Final disciplinary action for termination shall not be taken on such charges until after the expiration of forty- five45 calendar days from the date of the notice from the President imposing such penalty.
Sets of batch experiments were performed in the presence of 0, 0.1, and 3 mg/L of malathion.
Final disciplinary action determinations will not be rendered until the completion of the presentation and rebuttal meetings where the Employer and the Employee together with the Representative, through use of evidence, documents and witnesses, have the opportunity to present their respective cases.
Immediate Termination: Amida Care reserves the right to terminate a provider contract immediately, with written notice to follow, under the following circumstances:• Final disciplinary action is taken by a governmental regulatory agency that impairs the provider’s ability to practice;• There is a determination of fraud on the part of the provider; and/or• Continuation of the provider’s participation may cause imminent harm to patients.
Final disciplinary action taken against a member of theinstructional or administrative staff, including termination or the nonrenewal of a contract, shall not be subject to Article II of theAdministrative Procedures Act.
Final disciplinary action in that case included payment of a $4,000 fine and a one week suspension.
Final disciplinary action approved by the Hospital’s Board, that results in a limitation, suspension or revocation of a Practitioner’s Privileges to practice, or any voluntary surrender or limitation of Privileges, for reasons relating to professional competence or professional conduct shall be reported to all appropriate authorities, including but not limited to, the Board of Medicine and the National Practitioner Databank, in accordance with the requirements of federal and state law.