Examples of Final planting date in a sentence
Final planting date — if unable to plant, I must contact my agent by: 6.
April 1 to March 31 Crop Year Section 1(i) May 31 Application deadline Signed Application required Section 13(1) Required deposit due 15% deposit and arrears from any previous year Section 13(4) Signed Agreement Required for valid contract Section 13(1) June 30 Premium due date Section 13(11) July 1 Interest charges begin Monthly interest charged on unpaid premiums Section 13(12) July 5 Final planting date Penalty: 1% reduction in PY/day for 15 days.
April 1 to March 31 Crop Year Section 1(i) May 31 Application deadline Signed Application required Section 13(1) Required deposit due 15% deposit and arrears from any previous year Section 13(4) Signed Agreement Required for valid contract Section 13(1) June 30 Premium due date Section 13(11) July 1 Interest charges begin Monthly interest charged on unpaid premiums Section 13(12) June 20 Final planting date Penalty: 1% reduction in PY/day for 15 days.
Penalty - $10 plus $2 for each day overdue Section 18(4) regs July 01 Interest charges begin Monthly interest charged on unpaid premiums; as per Section 13(12) regs June 10 Final planting date Deadline for seeding all spring cereals Penalty – 1% reduction in PY / day for 15 days Section 17(14)(15) regs Spring cereals planted after June 25th will not be eligible for insurance.
Penalty - $10 plus $2 for each day overdue Section 18(4) regs July 01 Interest charges begin Monthly interest charged on unpaid premiums; as per Section 13 (12) regs June 17 Final planting date Deadline for seeding all soybeans.
May 31 – Final planting date for Corn June 15 – Final planting date for Soybeans In Iowa, the crop insurance “late planting period” for corn begins on June 1.
At the time of acreage reporting, the Insured must provide Agricorp with the following information: ▪ Crop and variety planted ▪ Final planting date ▪ Row width and plant spacing ▪ Targeted harvest date In the case that the Insured does not provide Agricorp with the final acreage planted, Agricorp will determine the Insured’s Final Acreage Report and premium will be invoiced accordingly.
Penalty - $10 plus $2 for each day overdue Section 18(4) regs July 01 Interest charges begin Monthly interest charged on unpaid premiums; as per Section 13(12) regs July 05 Final planting date Deadline for seeding Penalty – 1% reduction in PY / day for 15 days Section 17(14)(15) regs Rutabagas planted after July 20th will not be eligible for insurance.
July 15, 2012 – Final planting date for forage sorghum (Haygrazer) intended for hay September 1, 2012 – Final date to purchase next crop year (2013) NAP coverage on any small grain hay or grazing crop.