Final Proposal definition
Examples of Final Proposal in a sentence
An error in the Final Proposal may cause the rejection of that proposal; however, Covered California may, in its sole discretion, retain the proposal and make certain corrections.
This RFP requires Bidders to submit a Final Proposal that contains all required Administrative and Technical Attachments and Exhibits, and that is submitted in a sealed envelope or container when delivered to Covered California.
All Bidders must provide individual prices as indicated in the Category Cost Worksheets in the Bidder’s Final Proposal.
By submitting a Final Proposal, Bidders and the selected Contractor agree that they will not issue news releases nor make statements to the news media or through social media channels pertaining to this RFP, their proposals, the contract, or work resulting therefrom, without first obtaining prior approval from Covered California.
An error in the Final Proposal may cause the rejection of that proposal; however, Covered California may, AT ITS SOLE OPTION, retain the proposal and make certain corrections.