Best and Final Offer Sample Clauses

Best and Final Offer. Respondents will not submit cost proposals for this RFP. HHSC will establish the Capitation Rates for each Program and Service Area in accordance with the methodology described in Attachment A, “Uniform Managed Care Contract Terms and Conditions,” Article 10, “Terms and Conditions of Payment.” HHSC may, but is not required to, permit Respondents to prepare one or more revised offers for services. For this reason, Respondents are encouraged to treat their original proposals, and any revised offers requested by HHSC, as best and final offers of services.
Best and Final Offer. During evaluation process City reserves the right to request a best and final offer upon completion of negotiations.
Best and Final Offer. The State reserves the right to request BAFO’s. Bidders should provide its best offer in its original bid. Bidders should not expect that the State will request a BAFO.
Best and Final Offer. In a competitive bid, the final offer submitted which contains the bidder’s most favorable terms for price. Bid: An offer, or quote submitted by a Vendor in a response to a written solicitation. Bidder: A Vendor who submits an offer bid in response to a written solicitation.
Best and Final Offer. The State reserves the right to solicit Best and Final Offers (BAFOs) from Vendors, principally in situations in which proposal costs eclipse available funding or the State believes none of the competing proposals presents a Best Value (lowest and best proposal) opportunity. Vendors that remain in a competitive range within evaluation may be requested to tender Best and Final Offers, at the sole discretion of the State. All such Vendors will be provided an equal opportunity to respond with a Best and Final Offer under a procedure to be defined by the State that encompasses the specific, refined needs of the project, as part of the BAFO solicitation. The State may re-evaluate and amend the original project specifications should it be deemed necessary in order to improve the opportunity for attaining Best Value scenarios from among the remaining competing Vendors. All BAFO proceedings will be uniformly conducted, in writing and subject to solicitation by the State and receipt from the Vendors, under a precise schedule.
Best and Final Offer. The State may request best and final offers from those Respondents determined by the State to be reasonably viable for contract award. However, the State reserves the right to award a contract on the basis of initial proposals received. Therefore, each proposal should contain the Respondent’s best terms from a price and technical standpoint. Following evaluation of the best and final offers, the State may select for final contract negotiations/execution the offers that are most advantageous to the State, considering cost and the evaluation criteria in this RFP.
Best and Final Offer. PCA in its sole discretion, may request all Offers in the competitive range to submit a Best and Final Offer. Vendors must submit their Best and Final Offers in writing. If a Vendor does not respond to the request for a Best and Final Offer, that Vendor’s most recent offer will be considered to be its Best and Final Offer.
Best and Final Offer. A Best-and-Final-Offer process may be initiated if it is determined to be in the best interest of Royse City ISD. Such a process may be initiated following ongoing contract negotiations or at any other evaluation process step. Additional processes of scope and cost clarification may be employed as part of this evaluation process.
Best and Final Offer. ‌ Each bidder should provide its best offer with their original proposal response and should not expect the State to request a best and final offer (BAFO). The State reserves the right to conduct more than one BAFO or to not offer every bidder an opportunity to submit a BAFO. If requested by the State, the BAFO must be submitted on the BAFO Cost Proposal form and in accordance with the State’s instructions. Failure to submit a requested BAFO or failure to submit a BAFO in accordance with the State’s instructions may result in rejection of the bidder’s entire proposal response. BAFOs may be scored and ranked by the Evaluation Committee.
Best and Final Offer. If the Airport and the Consultant cannot agree on an acceptable level of effort and price to perform the work, the Airport shall request a Best and Final Offer (BAFO). If the BAFO is unacceptable, then the negotiation should be terminated, and the Airport will initiate negotiations with the next most qualified selected Consultant.