Firewood definition
Examples of Firewood in a sentence
Firewood volume was determined by a 10% tree sample using the US Forest Service Composite Cordwood Volume Table.
Firewood of any non-coniferous (hardwood) species (D) Any article, product, or means of conveyance which the Commissioner determines to present a risk of spread of EAB and the Commissioner has notified the person in possession of that article, product, or means of conveyance, is subject to this quarantine.
Fuels - (1) Charcoal, (2) Fire-wood, (3) Fuel oils, (4) Coal gas, and (5) Other fuels, e.g., coal, coke etc.
Firewood permits for the sale area may be issued to the public after timber harvest activities are completed.
Firewood is supplied upon request at time of rental.All fires must remain in fireplace or fire ring and be extinguished completely prior to leaving the facility.DECORATIONS:Do not use pins, staples, nails, screws or abrasive tape on any facility surface.The Lodges have existing hooks that may be used for decorations.