First Gas definition
Examples of First Gas in a sentence
Each limitation or exclusion of this section 16 and each protection given to First Gas or the Interconnected Party or its respective officers, employees, or agents by any provision of this section 16 is to be construed as a separate limitation or exclusion applying and surviving even if for any reason any of the provisions is held inapplicable in any circumstances and is intended to be for the benefit of and enforceable by each of the Party’s officers, employees, and agents.
First Gas will minimise the period of curtailment stipulated in an OFO to the extent practicable.
The Interconnected Party must notify First Gas of its election within 10 Business Days of receiving notice of the claim.
The Interconnected Party will not unreasonably withhold or delay its consent under this section 16.11(b); the Interconnected Party may elect to defend in the name of First Gas any third party claim involving any litigation.
If the Invoice Dispute has not been resolved by negotiation between the Parties within 10 Business Days of First Gas receiving the Invoice Dispute Notice, section 18 shall apply.
Where the Assignor is the Interconnected Party then, notwithstanding any other term of the assignment, the Interconnected Party shall continue to pay directly to First Gas any amounts payable under this Agreement up to and including the last Day of the Month during which the assignment takes effect.
Where the start of any scheduled Maintenance notified pursuant to this section 9.2 is delayed, First Gas will promptly notify the Interconnected Party of that delay on XXXXX, but will not be required to re-start the 20 Business Days’ notice period.
First Gas will pass on any decrease of any such Tax to the Interconnected Party.
First Gas and the Interconnected Party are party to an Interconnection Agreement for Delivery Points dated [ ] as amended by an Amending Agreement dated [ ] (the ICA).
If the Interconnected Party (Claiming Party) suffers a Loss arising from an act or omission of a Shipper in breach of its TSA or another interconnected party in breach of its interconnection agreement (each such Shipper or interconnected party being a Breaching Party) then: the Interconnected Party may elect to pursue its claim in the name of First Gas.