Zero gas means a gas containing no analyte, which is used to set a zero response on an analyser.
Zero gas means a gas, usually air or nitrogen, which is used as a reference for establishing or verifying the zero point of an exhaust gas analyzer.
Zero gas means a gas containing no analyte, which is used to set a zero response on an analyser.Figure 1Definition of accuracy, precision and reference value reference valueprobabilitydensityaccuracyprecisionvalue
Examples of Zero gas in a sentence
Zero gas was supplied to the manifold at ambient pressure, and the analyzer’s sample flow rate was measured with the bubble meter.
Zero gas stream corresponds to an air stream that is purified and compressed in the laboratory.
Zero gas was used for the test and the flow was adjusted using the needle valves before the Valco valve.
Zero gas response must be within ±0.2 percent of span (the CFR requires ± 0.3 percent).
Zero gas also was sampled dozens of times during the verification period by the Argus-Hg 1000.
More Definitions of Zero gas
Zero gas means a gas that yields the value zero as response to its input in an analyser;
Zero gas means a gas that yields a zero response in an analyzer. This may either be purified nitrogen, purified air, a combination of purified air and purified nitrogen. Figure 3.1: Definitions of system response: delay time (3.1.12.), response time (3.1.55.), rise time (3.1.56.) and transformation time (3.1.70.)
Zero gas means a gas or liquid with an HCl concentration that is below the LOD of the measurement system.
Zero gas means air or gas which contains less than 1 ppm of equivalent carbon or methane.
Zero gas means a gas that yields a zero response in an analyzer. This may either be purified nitrogen, purified air, a combination of purified air and purified nitrogen. Figure 3.1: Definitions of system response: delay time (para. 3.1.12.), response time (para. 3.1.55.), rise time (para. 3.1.56.) and transformation time (para. 3.1.70.)
Zero gas means a calibration gas with a concentration that is below the level de- tectable by the measurement system.
Zero gas means a gas that yields a zero response in an analyser. This may either be purified nitrogen, purified air, a combination of purified air and purified nitrogen. Figure 1Definitions of system response: delay time (paragraph 2.1.13.), response time (paragraph 2.1.59.), rise time (paragraph 2.1.60.) and transformation time (paragraph 2.1.74.)