Fixtures and Improvements definition
Examples of Fixtures and Improvements in a sentence
Where Your Building Sum Insured has been exhausted We will pay for Lot Owners’ Fixtures and Improvements that You are required by the Strata Act to insure.
We will pay up to $300,000 per Lot/Unit per incident to reinstate, repair or replace Lot/Unit Owners Fixtures and Improvements that are lost or damaged as a result of an Event claimable under Section 1.
Where Your Building Sum Insured has been exhausted We will pay for Lot Owners’ Fixtures and Improvements that You are required by the applicable Strata Act to insure.
The maximum that The Insurer will pay in respect of this Additional Benefit 9 during any one Policy Period is $250,000 per Lot.The Insurer will not pay for loss or damage caused to a Unit Owners Fixtures and Improvements in a Lot that is occupied solely or partly for Commercial purposes.
Additional Benefit 9 – Unit Owners’ Fixtures and ImprovementsCosts necessarily and reasonably incurred by You to Reinstate, repair or replace a Unit Owner’s Fixtures and Improvements in an Owner Occupied Unit that is occupied for residential purposes, that are lost or damaged during the Policy Period caused by an event not excluded under Section 1.