Examples of Flexible Service in a sentence
In addition to the service limitations set forth in the Agreement, the Company retains all of its ability to issue Operational Orders and Emergency Curtailments as described in these Rules and Regulations Governing the Distribution and Sale of Gas and the Customer served under this Flexible Service Provision is subject to the associated penalties for non-compliance with said Operational Orders and Emergency Curtailments.
The Flexible Service Provisions are applicable when an Applicant, or an existing customer requesting an increase in usage, is located on a portion of the Company’s system where capacity limitations exist, which would otherwise require the Company to reject the request for distribution service of total requirements on a year round basis, absent a significant financial contribution from the Applicant or Customer to increase the Company’s main line capacity to serve the Applicant’s or Customer’s load.
Utilisation means, in respect of a Site(s) / Group, any despatch of a Flexible Service which is provided continuously until the Event End Time and "Utilised" shall be construed accordingly.
For round trip tickets, the Flexible Service will be automatically added on both flight segments.For fee details, please check the Taxes and Fees Section on the Airline website.
Given the broad range of services that may be requested or ordered under a Flexible Service Contract, Proposers are encouraged to propose a comprehensive range of personnel and skills in their Fee Schedules.
Prosper Portland may award one or more Flexible Service Contracts from this RFQ.
A Flexible Service Contract is a price agreement to provide a range of services with work authorized through Work Orders (see Section 4 of this RFQ).
The term “Employee” shall not include employees who are classified by the Corporation as (i) Temporary Employees, including per diem employees, (ii) Part-Time Employees, or (iii) Flexible Service Employees.
Wei Lu, Xin Jin, and Zuqing Zhu, “Game Theoretical Flexible Service Provisioning in IP over Elastic Optical Networks,” in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN), pp.
In its week ahead Declaration, a Premium Flexible or Flexible Service provider may choose the Availability Windows in which it wishes to make the service available to National Grid.