Examples of Forecast Figures in a sentence
The Licensee shall provide to the Authority such further information or explanation and access to relevant documents and records, in each case as the Authority reasonably requires in connection with its consideration of any differences between the Forecast Figures and the corresponding Actual Figures for the relevant Gas Year.
The Licensee shall, not later than the fifteenth Business Day in July submit the Forecast Figures (adjusted to reflect any modification made by the Authority pursuant to Condition 2A.2.3.1(e)) to the PSA for calculation of the Forecast Postalised Charges in accordance with the PSA Agreement.
If the Licensee fails to provide the Forecast Figures in accordance with, and/or by the date specified in, Condition 2A.2.3.1(a) the Authority shall be entitled on or after the thirteenth Business Day in July by written notice to the Licensee and the PSA to determine the Forecast Figures.
The Licensee shall, not later than the fifteenth Business Day in April submit the Forecast Figures (adjusted to reflect any modification made by the Authority pursuant to Condition 2A.2.3.1(e)) to the PSA for calculation of the Forecast Postalised Charges in accordance with the PSA Agreement.
If the Licensee fails to provide the Forecast Figures in accordance with, and/or by the date specified in, Condition 2A.2.3.1(a) the Authority shall be entitled on or after thethirteenth fifth Business Day in July April by written notice to the Licensee and the PSA to determine the Forecast Figures.
If the Licensee fails to provide the Forecast Figures in accordance with, and/or by the date specified in, Condition 2A.2.3.1(a) the Authority shall be entitled on or after the fifth Business Day in April by written notice to the Licensee and the PSA to determine the Forecast Figures.
See the content of the Target’s announcement for details.Revision of Consolidated Earnings Forecast Figures for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2019 (from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019) Net Sales Operating Income Ordinary Income ② Announcement of the “Financial Results for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2018 (Japanese GAAP) (Consolidated)” by the TargetThe Target published its financial results today, as summarized below.
At the same time as the Licensee provides the figures required under Condition 2A.2.3.3(a), the Licensee shall confirm to the Authority, the other Designated Pipe-line Operators and each of the PS Gas Suppliers whether it is aware of or has reason to believe that the Forecast Figures provided in accordance with Condition 2A.2.3.1(a) for the remainder of the current or any future Gas Years will or may be materially inaccurate.
Forecast Figures so determined may at the Authority’s discretion either: (i) reflect the Actual Figures in respect of the previous Gas Year; or (ii) be such other figures as the Authority reasonably deems appropriate.
Figure 5: Historical Forecast Figures Final 10‐Year Projections 8Prison population figures based on June 30th data.