Examples of Forecast Year in a sentence
BPA shall establish «Customer Name»’s RHWM for the next Rate Period by September 30, 2012, and for subsequent Rate Periods by September 30 of each Forecast Year thereafter.
Such data will be used in reaching the Board’s findings on the merits of an abandonment or discontinuance proceeding and in mak- ing the necessary financial assistance determinations.(2) This subpart also sets forth a method by which the carrier may es- tablish its Forecast Year estimates and Estimated Subsidy Payment to be in- cluded in its application (§ 1152.22(d) of this part).
By September 30 of each Forecast Year BPA shall notify «Customer Name» in writing of the Super Peak Period for the upcoming Rate Period.
Any subsequent revaluation of the properties will not affect the forecast and projected DPU for the Forecast Year 2011/2012 as MIT’s distribution are based on Adjusted Taxable Income, which excludes gains or losses upon revaluation of the Properties.
All of these guidelines are met since no new alternatives have been identified, the current let date of the project is less than the Future Forecast Year plus 20 years, the study area is not experiencing growth not previously considered in the forecast, and the traffic forecast is not five years older than the Base Year.
AEO Predicted Price from 1996-2003 for the years between 1994-2003 Forecast Year Table 1 summarizes AEO 1996 to AEO 2003 forecasted natural gas prices from 1996 to 2003.
Revenue and cost data would be computed only for the Base Year, Forecast Year, and Subsidy Year.
Table 5 Sub-Regional Future Population Change Forecast Year The population of the Sub-Regional area is projected to increase by 78,900 (24.0%) by 2036 to a total population of 407,541 residents.
However, the mode shift benefit achieved by the BART Extension would not be sufficient to offset GHG emissions from increased BART electricity consumption and the TOJDs in the 2035 Forecast Year.
The costs are compared with the 2035 Forecast Year No Build Alternative to indicate the incremental change in total O&M costs associated with the BART Extension Alternative.