Formula definition

Formula means the appropriate secondary road fund distribution formula or farm-to-market road fund distribution formula as defined in subrules 102.2(2) and 102.2(3).
Formula means the appropriate formula (secondary road fund or farm-to-market road fund) as set out in the recommendations adopted in subrule 102.2(1).
Formula means an enteral product for use at home prescribed by a Physician or nurse practitioner or ordered by a registered dietician upon referral by a health care provider authorized to prescribe dietary treatments as Medically Necessary for the treatment of PKU.

Examples of Formula in a sentence

  • Operational Formula – The day-to-day actions of a company that are guided by a policy or procedure that is prescribed for repetitive use as a practice, in accordance with agreed upon operations that are aimed at obtaining a desired outcome.

  • The Annual Fixed Revenue Requirements and the Variable O&M Rate for each such facility that shall be used for calculating charges to the CAISO during each calendar year shall be determined by application of the Formula set forth in Article II hereof to the Owner's costs incurred during the twelve-month period ended on June 30 of the prior calendar year.

  • Formula The negotiated methods which are recognized for calculating the number of Teachers on staff in Hastings Xxxxxx Xxxxxx District School Board.

  • Where additional employees are included in the bargaining unit by agreement of the Parties or pursuant to the Labour Code, any incumbents who do not wish to be members of the Union will be included on the basis of the "Rand Formula".

  • These competitions will be named the “Student Formula SAE Competition of Japan”.

More Definitions of Formula

Formula has the meaning given in clause 7.3.
Formula. ’ means any prescribed method employing objective data or statistical esti- mates for making individual determinations among recipients of Federal funds, either in terms of eligibility or actual funding alloca- tions, that can be written in the form of ei- ther—
Formula means the cost-of-service template and associated schedules shown in Section of this Attachment.
Formula means the formula used by the Department to allocate among States the commodities and funding available under this part. The amount of such commodities and funds to be provided to each State will be based on each State’s population of low-income and unemployed persons, as compared to national statistics. Each State’s share of commodities and funds shall be based 60 percent on the number of persons in households within the State having incomes below the poverty level and 40 percent on the number of unem- ployed persons within the State. The surplus commodities will be allocated to States on the basis of their weight (pounds), and the commodities pur- chased under section 214 of the Emer- gency Food Assistance Act of 1983 will be allocated on the basis of their value (dollars). In instances in which a State determines that it will not accept the full amount of its allocation of com- modities purchased under section 214 of the Emergency Food Assistance Act of 1983, the Department will reallocate the commodities to other States on the basis of the same formula used for the initial allocation.
Formula means the formula used to determine annual operating
Formula means the methodology used for valuating compensation in accordance with these Regulations for Properties Situated on Landholdings Expropriated in Accordance with the Proclamation;
Formula means the formula specified in Sub-Part B of Part III of the First Schedule;