Examples of Forward Capacity in a sentence
Administrative Export De-List Bid is a bid that may be submitted in a Forward Capacity Auction by certain Existing Generating Capacity Resources subject to a multi-year contract to sell capacity outside of the New England Control Area during the associated Capacity Commitment Period, as described in Section III. of Market Rule 1.
In this Tariff, the terms listed in this section shall be defined as described below: Active Demand Capacity Resource is one or more Demand Response Resources located within the same Dispatch Zone, that is registered with the ISO, assigned a unique resource identification number by the ISO, and participates in the Forward Capacity Market to fulfill a Market Participant’s Capacity Supply Obligation pursuant to Section III.13 of Market Rule 1.
ICAP Tag Value – A consumer account’s contribution to peak load, expressed in kW-month, as determined by the Local Distributor pursuant to the ISO New England Manual for the Forward Capacity Market.
Any Export Bid or any Administrative Export De-List Bid that is used to export capacity through an export interface connected to an import-constrained Capacity Zone from another Capacity Zone, or through an export interface connected to the Rest-of-Pool Capacity Zone from an export-constrained Capacity Zone in the Forward Capacity Auction will be modeled in the Capacity Zone where the export interface that is identified in the Existing Capacity Qualification Package is located.
This date must be no later than the start of the Capacity Commitment Period associated with the Forward Capacity Auction.
This rationing election shall apply for the entire Forward Capacity Auction.
The Interconnection Customer’s one-time election must be made by the end of the New Generating Capacity Show of Interest Submission Window for the fourth Forward Capacity Auction.
If no such election is made in the New Capacity Qualification Package, the Capacity Supply Obligation and Capacity Clearing Price associated with the New Capacity Offer shall apply only for the Capacity Commitment Period associated with the Forward Capacity Auction in which the New Capacity Offer clears.
Once Non-Commercial Capacity associated with a Capacity Supply Obligation awarded in the ninth Forward Capacity Auction and all Forward Capacity Auctions thereafter becomes commercial, the Non-Commercial Capacity Financial Assurance Amount for any remaining Non-Commercial Capacity shall be recalculated according to the process outlined above for Non-Commercial Capacity participating in the ninth Forward Capacity Auction and all Forward Capacity Auctions thereafter.
Where the implementation of this Section 5.2.3 results in a CNR Capability that is different than previously had been identified, the revised CNR Capability will be applied commencing with the next Forward Capacity Auction qualification process (after the revised CNR Capability value is identified), which is initiated by the closing deadline of the Show of Interest Submission Window in accordance with Section III.13 of the Tariff.