Examples of Framework data in a sentence
Monitoring Framework data – no monitoring data was collected to this end and therefore, the views of the stakeholders are relied on to answer this question.
The Disability and Wellbeing Monitoring Framework: data, data gaps, and policy implications.
The Unified Improvement Plan is a comprehensive document that begins with the Performance Framework data and three year trends, analyzes the data to identify strengths and challenges, and then moves to “root cause analysis.” Eaton Trial Tr. 1241:1-1242:8.
Execution of the query may affect the database state.Some .NET Framework data providers may, but are not required to, use this information to optimize the performance of the command.When you specify SingleRow with the ExecuteReader method of the OleDbCommand object, the .NET Framework Data Provider forOLE DB performs binding using the OLE DB IRow interface if it is available.
This latter serves RDF (Resource Description Framework) data over HTTP, and exposes a SPARQL server that provides REST-style SPARQL HTTP Update, SPARQL Query, and SPARQL Update using the SPARQL protocol over HTTP in case a semantic model is needed when in- tegrating or sharing contextual data.
Framework data are digital geospatial data showing the locations of objects on or near the Earthís surface along with a minimal set of attributes to identify those objects.
Box 1: NHS Operating Framework data The NHS Operating Framework for 2012–2013 has provided provisional data regarding the 8121 general practices in England.
For most of the other monitoring indicators included in the Results Framework, data from the internet based reporting system will be used.
Year Year*Data is an excerpt from the overall Organizational Performance Framework data included in section 3.2. Note: Each item below must be addressed separately.
Through the University Performance Framework, data are collated on an annual basis using documented definitions, census dates and sign off procedures to compile a suite of key performance indicators and secondary indicators.