Examples of Framework Suppliers in a sentence
The following criteria and weightings shall be applied to the Framework Suppliers' compliant tenders submitted through direct award.
Throughout each phase of the Electronic Reverse Auction the Contracting Body will communicate to all Framework Suppliers sufficient information to enable them to ascertain their relative ranking.
The Supplier acknowledges that Contracting Bodies may wish to undertake an electronic reverse auction, where Framework Suppliers compete in real time by bidding lower as the auction unfolds ("Electronic Reverse Auction").
The Supplier acknowledges that Contracting Bodies may wish to undertake an electronic reverse auction, where Framework Suppliers compete in real time by bidding as the auction unfolds ("Electronic Reverse Auction").
The Supplier acknowledges that Contracting Bodies may wish to undertake an electronic reverse auction, where Framework Suppliers compete in real time by bidding lower as the auction unfolds (“Electronic Reverse Auction”).