FSP definition

FSP means this Forest Stewardship Plan.
FSP means a program model described in COUNTY’s MHSA plan that has been approved 11 by the State. The MHSA plan describes how COUNTY will utilize MHSA funds to develop and 12 implement treatment plans for mental health Clients through FSPs. A FSP is an evidence-based and 13 strength-based model with the focus on the individual rather than the disease.

Examples of FSP in a sentence

  • SulTRAC completed the first phase of sampling in general accordance with the approved FSP (SulTRAC 2011) in June 2011.

  • A detailed discussion of modifications to the original FSP sample collection procedures is in Section 5.0. All proposed sample locations are subject to change based on accessibility and feasibility.

  • As part of this FSP addendum, SulTRAC is also providing vertical hydraulic gradient calculations based on the groundwater elevations determined during Phase 1, as well as the groundwater elevations determined by Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) in 2009 (Table 14 in Appendix A).

  • One soil boring will also be advanced near RES04 in order to comply with the FSP.

  • SulTRAC has prepared this field sampling plan (FSP) addendum to provide supplemental information regarding field and laboratory activities associated with a second phase of sampling at the Tar Lake Site in Mancelona, Michigan, under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Remedial Action Contract (RAC) 2 for Region 5, Contract No. EP-S5-06-02, Work Assignment (WA) No. 164-TATA- 0571.

More Definitions of FSP

FSP means a forest stewardship plan;
FSP means this Forest Stewardship Plan, including all tables, appendices and attachments;
FSP means the Financial Services Provider as defined in FAIS and in this particular instance the Financial Services Provider whose details are set out in the Application Form;
FSP means Full Service Partnership and refers to a type of program described by the State in the requirements for the COUNTY plan for use of MHSA funds and which includes Clients being a full partner in the development and implementation of their treatment plan. A FSP is an evidence-based and strength-based model, with the focus on the individual rather than the disease. Multi-disciplinary teams will be established including the Client, Psychiatrist, and PSC. Whenever possible, these multi-disciplinary teams will include a mental health nurse, marriage and family therapist, clinical social worker, peer specialist, and family members. The ideal Client to staff ratio will be in the range of fifteen to twenty (15 – 20) to one (1), ensuring relationship building and intense service delivery. a. Services will include, but not be limited to, the following: 1) Crisis management; 2) Housing Services; 3) Twenty-four (24)-hours per day, seven (7) days per week intensive case management;