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TREATMENT PLANS. Within a reasonable period of time after the initiation of treatment, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx will discuss with you her working understanding of the problem, treatment plan, therapeutic objectives, and her view of the possible outcomes of treatment. If you have any unanswered questions about any of the procedures used in the course of your therapy, the possible risks, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx'x expertise in employing them, or about the treatment plan, please ask and you will be answered fully. You also have the right to ask about other treatments for your condition and their risks and benefits.
TREATMENT PLANS. Within a reasonable period of time after the initiation of treatment, Xx. Xxxx will discuss with you his working understanding of the problem, treatment plan, therapeutic objectives, and his/ view of the possible outcomes of treatment. If you have any unanswered questions about any of the procedures used in the course of your therapy, there possible risks, Xx. Xxxx'x expertise in employing them, or about the treatment plan, please ask and you will be answered fully. You also have the right to ask about other treatments for your condition and their risks and benefits.
TREATMENT PLANSThe Contractor must develop and use treatment plans for chronic disease follow-up care that are tailored to the individual Enrollee. The purpose of the plan is to assure appropriate ongoing treatment reflecting the prevailing community standards of medical care designed to minimize further deterioration and complications. Treatment plans shall be on file with the permanent record for each Enrollee with a chronic disease and with sufficient information to explain the progress of treatment.
TREATMENT PLANS. 1. Prototype treatment plans will be developed by the Authority. Two treatment plans will be developed by the Authority for each undertaking: a Built Environment Treatment Plan and an Archaeological Treatment Plan. i. The Built Environment Treatment Plan (BETP) will provide detailed descriptions of treatment measures for eligible buildings, structures, objects, landscapes and districts that will be affected by the undertaking. The BETP will also include descriptions of measures to be taken to protect historic properties and to avoid further adverse effects to historic properties. ii. The Archaeological Treatment Plan (ATP) will provide detailed descriptions of protection measures for archaeological resources and resources of importance to Federally Recognized Native American Tribes or Native American groups because of cultural affinity. The ATP could include but is not limited to the establishment of environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs), use of preconstruction archaeological excavation, preservation-in-place, avoidance, minimization, monitoring during construction where appropriate, procedures to be followed when unanticipated discoveries are encountered, processes for evaluation and data recovery of discoveries, responsibilities and coordination with Federally Recognized Native American Tribes, Native American groups, NAGPRA compliance, and curation of recovered materials. 2. Each treatment plan will address historic properties adversely affected and set forth means to avoid, protect, or develop treatment measures to minimize the undertaking’s effects where the Authority, in consultation with the appropriate agencies, the SHPO, and other MOA signatories, determines that adverse effects cannot be avoided. The Treatment Plans will conform to the principles of the Council’s Treatment of Archaeological Properties: A Handbook Parts I and II, the “Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation” (Federal Register, Vol. 48, September 29, 1983, pp. 44716–44742) and appropriate SHPO Guidelines. The Authority will take into consideration the concerns of the consulting parties in determining the measures to be implemented. 3. Each treatment plan will include, but not be limited to; the content outlined in Attachment C for treatment plans. The consultative procedure through which a treatment plan is developed will address the adverse effect of any undertaking on historic properties and indicate that the treatment plan w...
TREATMENT PLANS. All Treatment Plans for the independent undertakings of the HST Project will include, but not be limited to: 1. Specification of all historic properties to be affected by the project, including a description of the nature of the effects. 2. A detailed description of the treatments proposed for historic properties or portions of historic properties eligible for the NRHP under 36 CFR Part 60.4 criteria (a), (b), (c) or (d), with an explanation or rationale provided for the choice of the proposed treatments. These treatments will take into account the setting, including but not limited to, visual and atmospheric elements, and vibration, as appropriate, and be responsive to the qualities that contribute to the significance of the affected properties. 3. Provisions for the creation of a popular account for disseminating the results of the Treatment Plans to the general public, consistent with the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), Executive Order on Sacred Sites, the Freedom of Information Act and Xxxxxxx 000 xx xxx XXXX (00 X.X.X. 0000-0). 4. The archaeological Treatment Plan will, at a minimum, include: A. The Authority’s intent to recover a reasonable sample of the intact archaeological deposits from eligible archaeological sites that the agency determines, through the process set out in Stipulation VII of the Agreement, that may be adversely affected by the implementation of the Undertaking; B. Specify the research issues/questions to be addressed through the recovery of data, and provide for a process whereby the research issues/questions will be refined to reflect the information that the Authority gathers as a result of the investigation set out in Stipulation VII of the Agreement; C. Explain why it is in the public interest to address those research issues; D. Explain how data from the historic property will address those research issues/questions; E. Specify the methods to be used in fieldwork and analysis, and explain how these methods are relevant to the research issues/questions; F. Specify the methods to be used in data management and data dissemination; G. Indicate how recovered materials and records will be curated, taking into account the expressed wishes of the consulting Native Americans; H. Include a schedule for providing the consulting Native American Tribes with periodic updates on implementation of the data recovery plan; I. Include a curation agreement that ensures that all materials (other than Native American human remains...
TREATMENT PLANS. The Jail Staff shall ensure that each inmate on the mental health caseload receives a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan developed by a clinician with participation from the inmate and from others, as appropriate (e.g., mental health, medical, or correctional staff) within 10 days of his/her initial intake evaluation. Generally all treatment plans will meet the following requirements. a. Each individual treatment plan shall direct the mental health services needed for every patient on the mental health caseload and includes the treatment goals and objectives. b. The Director of Mental Health provides guidelines for individual treatment plan review, which shall occur per the following frequency: i. For inmates on a designated mental health unit, every 30 days; ii. For all other inmates, every 6 months, or whenever there is a substantial change in mental health status or treatment. c. Individual treatment planning is initiated on referral at the first visit with a qualified mental health professional. d. Mental health treatment plans include, at a minimum: i. Frequency of follow-up for evaluation and adjustment of treatment modalities; ii. Adjustment of psychotropic medications, if indicated; iii. Referrals for psychological testing, medical testing and evaluation, including blood levels for medication monitoring as required; iv. When appropriate, instructions about diet, exercise, personal hygiene issues, and adaption to the correctional environment; and v. Documentation of treatment goals and notation of clinical status progress (stable, improving, or deteriorating). e. All aspects of the standard shall be addressed by written policy and defined procedures.
TREATMENT PLANSThe Contractor must conduct individualized youth treatment planning in accordance with JRM 201, Residential Treatment Plans, Reentry Plans and Release Reports and linked policies.
TREATMENT PLANS. Within a reasonable period of time after the initiation of treatment, your therapist will discuss with you his/her working understanding of the problem, treatment plan, therapeutic objectives, and his/her view of the possible outcomes of treatment. If you have any unanswered questions about any of the procedures used in the course of your therapy, their possible risks, your therapist's expertise in employing them, or about the treatment plan, please ask and you will be answered fully. You also have the right to ask about other treatments for your condition and their risks and benefits.
TREATMENT PLANS. Within a reasonable period of time after the initiation of treatment, I will discuss with you my working understanding of your presenting problem, as well as a treatment plan and my view of the possible outcomes of treatment. If you have any unanswered questions about any of the procedures used in the course of your therapy, their possible risks, and my expertise in employing them, or about the treatment plan, please ask and you will be answered fully. You also have the right to ask about other treatments for your condition and their risks and benefits.
TREATMENT PLANS a. Defendants shall cause its QMHPs to develop and implement a written individual treatment plan for each individual housed at MSP who is designated as an SMI inmate. b. Any treatment plan developed in accordance with section V.a of this Agreement shall contain at least the following: i. a statement of the nature of the inmate’s mental health condition; ii. a statement of the specific treatment needs of the inmate; iii. an objective description of treatment goals, with a projected timetable for their attainment; iv. measurable outcomes that will indicate the attainment of treatment goals; v. a description and allocation of staff responsibility for attaining each treatment goal; vi. all recommended unstructured and structured activities to be provided to the inmate; and vii. a suicide safety plan with the input of the inmate, in cases where the inmate has shown signs that the inmate will engage in severe self- harm or attempt suicide. c. Overall development, implementation, and supervision of the treatment plan must be assigned to a QMHP. d. SMI inmates shall have the right: i. to obtain a copy of their individual treatment plan; ii. to ongoing participation, in a manner appropriate to the inmate’s capabilities, in the planning of mental health services to be provided and in the revision of the treatment plan; iii. to a reasonable explanation by a QMHP of the following, in terms and language appropriate to the inmate’s condition and ability to understand: 1. the inmate’s general mental condition and, if given a physical examination, the inmate’s physical condition; 2. the objectives of treatment; 3. the nature and significant possible adverse effects of recommended treatments; 4. the reasons why a particular treatment is considered appropriate; 5. the reasons why access to certain visitors may not be appropriate; and 6. not to receive treatment established pursuant to the treatment plan in the absence of the inmate’s informed, voluntary, and written consent to the treatment, except treatment during an emergency situation if the treatment is pursuant to the written opinion of a QMHP and as permitted by law.