Funded Agreement definition
Examples of Funded Agreement in a sentence
This Department Funded Agreement is the entire Agreement between the parties hereto, and it may be modified or amended only by mutual consent of the parties in writing.
This procedure defines the Locally Funded Agreement (LFA) projects and outlines the Resident Office’s responsibility on these projects.
Federally Funded Agreements All of the requirements listed in Federally Funded Agreement Certifications, contained in Attachment 4, “Information to be Provided by Firm at Contract Execution”, apply to the federally funded project.
Complete Streets Urban Corridor Improvement Project, Number (FPN) 447535 1 32 01/40.1. Locally Funded Agreement (LFA)2.
Ratify Amendment No. 1 to Special Grant Funded Agreement No. 4500259421 at West Los Angeles College for Total $40,000 Resolution: Ratify Amendment No. 1 to Special Grant Funded agreement with California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) to provide additional funds for the College to Career (C2C) program to provide increased employment services and training to already enrolled C2C students so that they can find gainful employment during the period July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, inclusive.
Federally Funded AgreementsAll of the requirements listed in Federally Funded Agreement Certifications, contained in Attachment 4,―Information to be Provided by Firm at Contract Execution‖, apply to the federally funded project.
In the event Borrowers elect to have all or a portion of any Lender’s Warehousing Advances bear interest at the Balance Funded Rate during any month, such Lender shall notify the Credit Agent no later than 12:00 Noon on the second Business Day of the following month of the estimated amount by which the interest to be paid by Borrowers on such Lender’s Warehousing Advances during such month was reduced as a result of the application of such Balance Funded Agreement.
Federally Funded AgreementsAll of the requirements listed in Federally Funded Agreement Certifications, contained in Attachment 4, “Information to be Provided by Firm at Contract Execution”, apply to the federally funded project.
As for uncovered medical expenses, Iowa Court Rule 9.12(5) directs the court thatthe custodial parent shall pay the first $250 per year per child of uncovered medical expenses up to a maximum of $800 per year for all children.
These additional requirements are described in the Statement of Assurances for Contractors/Consultant – Additional Federally Funded Agreement Provisions Applicable to Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recover funded Projects.