Examples of Funded Programs Report in a sentence
Funded Scope A program will be automatically added to the Funded Scope if it is added to your scope of registration as a registered training organisation, provided that (unless we otherwise agree) the program is listed on the Funded Programs Report.
We are not liable to pay Funds for programs other than those that are on the Funded Programs Report and the Funded Scope.
We are not liable to pay Funds for a Skills First Student’s participation in a subject where the Activity End Date is after the ‘Subsidised Training End Date’ as identified for the program in the Funded Programs Report.
To avoid doubt, Funds will only be paid where the Program Commencement Date for the program falls within the ‘Effective for PCD from’ and ‘Effective for PCD to’ dates for the program specified in the Funded Programs Report and on the Funded Scope.