Gas Price Index definition

Gas Price Index means the monthly index for said month published in the Platts Gas Daily Price Guide. For the CEC service area, the Upper Midwest, Consumer Energy city-gate is the reference price; for the MichCon service area, the Upper Midwest MichCon city-gate is the reference price; for the SEMCO facilities not serviced by Northern Natural Gas Company and for the MGU service area, the Upper Midwest, ANR Pipeline ML7 is the reference price; for the SEMCO facilities serviced by the Northern Natural Gas Company pipeline the reference index price will be Midpoint Average, Others, Northern, demark or other pricing point as defined in a Transaction Confirmation.
Gas Price Index means the midpoint price reported each day for the applicable index
Gas Price Index means the Union Xxxx Daily Spot Gas Price Index (day ahead) administered by NGx.

Examples of Gas Price Index in a sentence

  • The Incremental Fuel Cost Curve used to derive the Energy Bid Curve must be calculated as the product of the Incremental Heat Rate Curve and the registered Gas Price Index ($/MMBtu) for that Trading Hour and the Generating Resource specified in that Bid, if that Generating Resource is registered as a Natural Gas Resource for that Trading Hour.

  • During the registration process, the Scheduling Coordinator shall submit a dollar value for each upward Transition Cost, including a Transition Costs multiplier which consists of the Transition Costs dollar value divided by the applicable monthly Thousand Thousand British Thermal Units (MMBtu) Gas Price Index on the day that the Scheduling Coordinator is registering the Transition costs value with the CAISO.

  • Through the Bid validation process in the CAISO Markets, the CAISO will adjust both the downward and upward Transition Costs by the daily Gas Price Index when Scheduling Coordinators submit Bids into the CAISO Markets for Multi-Stage Generating Resources to calculate the Transition Costs per the submitted Bid.

  • The Market-Index Commodity Price is defined to be the Natural Gas Intelligence Weekly Gas Price Index, first of the month publication, PG&E Citygate, Bidweek.

  • During the registration process, the Scheduling Coordinator shall submit a dollar value for each upward Transition Cost, including a Transition Costs multiplier which consists of the Transition Costs dollar value divided by the applicable monthly Thousand Thousand British Thermal Units (MMBtu) Gas Price Index on the day that the Scheduling Coordinator is registering the Transition Costs value with the CAISO.

  • They are awarded on the recommendation of the appropriate department or faculty to students who fulfil specific academic performance-related criteria.

  • Transition Cost will be calculated as the product of the Transition Fuel and the Daily Gas Price Index associated with the resource.

  • The daily balancing standby rate is 150% of the highest Southern California Border price per NGI's Daily Gas Price Index for the day (including F&U and brokerage fee) and is applied to each day's deliveries which are less than the 70% delivery requirement.

  • The daily balancing standby rate is calculated as 150% of the highest Southern California Border price during the five-day period as published in "NGI's Daily Gas Price Index" including authorized franchise fees and, for retail customers, uncollectible expenses (F&U) and an authorized brokerage fee.

  • The daily balancing standby rate is 150% of the highest Southern California Border price during the five day period as published by Natural Gas Intelligence in "NGI's Daily Gas Price Index," including authorized franchise fees and uncollectible expenses (F&U) and brokerage fees.

Related to Gas Price Index

  • Price Index means the "Consumer Price Index" published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor, All Items. New York, N.Y.--Northeastern, N.J., all urban consumers (presently denominated "CPI-U"), or a successor or substitute index appropriately adjusted. (iii) the term "Price Index for the Base Year" shall mean the average of the monthly All Items Price Indexes for each of the 12 months of the Base Year.

  • Retail Price Index means the general index of retail prices published by the Office for National Statistics each month in respect of all items or:

  • Gas Year means the period of 365 or 366 Gas Days, as the case may be, beginning at October 1st at 06:00 hours (Belgian time) and ending at September 30th 06:00 hours (Belgian time) of the next year.

  • Consumer Price Index means the Consumer Price Index for

  • CPI Index means the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, U.S. City Average, “All Items” (1982-84 = 100), or any successor index thereof as such successor index may be appropriately adjusted to establish substantial equivalence with the Consumer Price Index; provided that if the Consumer Price Index ceases to be published and there is no successor thereto, such other index as the Company shall designate in writing to the Trustee shall be substituted for the Consumer Price Index.

  • CPI means the headline consumer price index (for all urban areas) annual inflation rate, or such amended or replacement index, as published monthly by Statistics South Africa in Statistical Release P0141, available from <>.

  • HICP Daily Inflation Reference Index means (A) in relation to the first day of any given month, the HICP Monthly Reference Index of the third month preceding such month, and (B) in relation to a day (D) (other than the first day) in any given month (M), the linear interpolation of the HICP Monthly Reference Index pertaining respectively to the third month preceding such month (M - 3) and the second month preceding such month (M - 2) calculated in accordance with the following formula:

  • Detroit consumer price index means the most comprehensive index of consumer prices available for the Detroit area from the United States department of labor, bureau of labor statistics.

  • CPI Daily Inflation Reference Index means (A) in relation to the first day of any given month, the CPI Monthly Reference Index of the third month preceding such month, and (B) in relation to a day (D) (other than the first day) in any given month (M), the linear interpolation of the CPI Monthly Reference Index pertaining respectively to the third month preceding such month (M - 3) and the second month preceding such month (M - 2) calculated in accordance with the following formula:

  • MMBtu means one million British thermal units, which is equivalent to one dekatherm.

  • Contract Year means each period of twelve (12) consecutive months during the Initial Term of this Agreement, with the first Contract Year commencing on the Effective Date, and with each subsequent Contract Year commencing on the anniversary of the Effective Date.

  • Index Price on a given date shall mean the weighted average (weighted in accordance with the factors listed above) of the closing prices of the companies composing the Index Group.

  • SIFMA Index means the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association Municipal Swap Index, produced by Municipal Market Data, or if such index is not published, then such other index selected by the Treasurer which reflects the yield of tax-exempt seven-day variable rate demand bonds.

  • Net gallons means the amount of motor fuel measured in gallons when adjusted to a temperature of

  • Limited Indexation Factor means, in respect of a Limited Indexation Month or Limited Indexation Date, as the case may be, the ratio of the Index Figure applicable to that month or date, as the case may be, divided by the Index Figure applicable to the month or date, as the case may be, twelve months prior thereto, provided that (a) if such ratio is greater than the Maximum Indexation Factor specified in the relevant Final Terms, it shall be deemed to be equal to such Maximum Indexation Factor and (b) if such ratio is less than the Minimum Indexation Factor specified in the relevant Final Terms, it shall be deemed to be equal to such Minimum Indexation Factor;

  • Reference Index means each of the indices comprising the Reference Portfolio.

  • Final Index Price means the average of the Index Prices for the 20 consecutive full trading days ending on the trading day prior to the Determination Date.

  • Natural Gas Liquids means those hydrocarbon components that can be recovered from natural gas as a liquid including, but not limited to, ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes plus, and condensates;

  • Inflation Index means each inflation index specified in the applicable Final Terms and related expressions shall be construed accordingly.

  • Inflation Factor means a number determined for each tax year by dividing the consumer price

  • Limited Indexation Month means any month specified in the relevant Final Terms for which a Limited Indexation Factor is to be calculated;

  • Initial Index Price means the sum of the per share closing sales price of the common stock of each company comprising the Index Group multiplied by the applicable weighting, as such prices are reported on the consolidated transaction reporting system for the market or exchange on which such common stock is principally traded on the trading day immediately preceding the public announcement of this Agreement.

  • Municipal Revitalization Index means the 2007 index by the

  • Net Sales Price means the gross sales price to retailers of all Licensed Products sold under this Agreement or, with respect to Licensed Products that are not sold directly or indirectly to retailers, other ultimate consumers (as in the case of accommodation sales by Licensee to its employees or sales by Licensee in its own shops), less trade discounts, merchandise returns, sales tax (if separately identified and charged) and markdowns and/or chargebacks which, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, would normally be treated as deductions from gross sales, and which, in any event, do not include any chargebacks or the like for advertising, fixture or retail shop costs or contributions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Licensor hereby waives its right to (i) receive royalties hereunder for, or (ii) include within the calculation of Net Sales Price for the purpose of calculating the Annual Advertising Obligation as set forth in paragraph 4.6 hereof, sales of units of Licensed Products sold at a discount of [OMITTED; MATERIAL FILED SEPARATELY WITH SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION] or more off the regular wholesale price ("Discounted Units"), provided that such waiver shall only apply to the extent that the aggregate Net Sales Price of Discounted Units for any year does not exceed [OMITTED; MATERIAL FILED SEPARATELY WITH SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION] of the Net Sales Price of all units of Licensed Products other than Discounted Units sold in such year. No other deductions shall be taken. Any merchandise returns shall be credited in the quarter in which the returns are actually made. For purposes of this Agreement, affiliates of Licensee shall mean all persons and business entities, whether corporations, partnerships, joint ventures or otherwise, which now or hereafter control, or are owned or controlled, directly or indirectly by Licensee, or are under common control with Licensee. It is the intention of the parties that royalties will be based on the bona fide wholesale prices at which Licensee sells Licensed Products to independent retailers in arms' length transactions. In the event Licensee shall sell Licensed Products to its affiliates, royalties shall be calculated on the basis of such a bona fide wholesale price irrespective of Licensee's internal accounting treatment of such sale unless such products are sold by its affiliates directly to the end-user consumer, in which case royalties shall be calculated on the basis of the price paid by the end-user consumer, less applicable taxes. Licensee shall identify separately in the statements provided to Licensor pursuant to paragraph 7 hereof, all sales to affiliates. At least once annually and no later than 90 days after the close of Licensee's fiscal year, Licensee shall furnish to Licensor a statement of the Net Sales Price of all Licensed Products sold during the year just ended, which shall be certified by the independent auditor for Licensee as correct and in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

  • Real-time System Energy Price means the System Energy Price resulting from the Office of the Interconnection’s dispatch of the PJM Interchange Energy Market in the Operating Day.

  • GDP price deflator means the average of the four implicit