Examples of GDP price deflator in a sentence
The mean value for years employed at their current position was 3,34 years with a low standard deviation of 5,084 meaning most of the sample data is scattered closer to the mean and are among the lower ranges of work experience.
To ensure that our results are not specific to a particular measure of inflation, we analyze the properties of four different price indices: the GDP price deflator, the personal consumption expenditure (PCE) price deflator, the consumer price index (CPI), and the core CPI.
In fiscal year 1995-1996 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount provided in paragraph 1 of this subsection adjusted by the annual percentage change in the GDP price deflator as defined in § 41-563.
An inflation-adjusted price index for household laundry equipment was calculated by dividing the PPI series by the GDP price deflator for the same years.
We then use a linear forecasting regression for GDP and the GDP price deflator and an ordered probit forecast for the FFTR to obtain coefficients on the latent factors at each point in time.
Second, the nominal measures of GDP and its components are expressed in per capita terms using population aged 16 to 64 and deflated by both, the implicit GDP price deflator and constant labor augmenting technological progress.
Our definition is based on the announcement’s ability to nowcast GDP growth, the GDP price deflator, and the Federal Funds Target Rate (FFTR).
To obtain the series on real R&D investment, we deflate the nominal series using the implicit GDP price deflator from NIPA table data is taken from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
The data cover this time period, because in most states these were the wage records that were available online when the UI agencies processed our data request.For each state and calendar quarter between 1999 and 2001, we constructed total quarterly earnings for each sample member by summing reported earnings from each of the youth’s employers (and put them into 1995 dollars using the GDP price deflator).
You should convert dollars expressed in different years using the most appropriate and reliable inflation index (e.g., the Bureau of Economic Analysis’s GDP price deflator or personal consumption expenditures price index) for your analysis.