Gender equity definition
Gender equity means the redress of discriminatory practices and establishment of conditions enabling women to achieve full equality with men, recognizing that needs of women and men may differ, resulting in fair and equitable outcomes for both.
Gender equity means the redress of discriminatory practices and the establishment of conditions enabling women to achieve full equality with men, recognizing that needs of women and men may differ, resulting in fair and equitable outcomes for both. “Gender equity” shall further mean the redress of discriminatory practices and establishment of conditions enabling all persons identifying as transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming to achieve full equality.
Gender equity. Means the just and fair distribution of benefits, rewards and opportunities between women, men, girls and boys.c) EmpowermentThe range of options that create opportunities and reinforce individual and collective capacities to exercise control over the life of individuals and offers them more choices. Empowerment of women is linked to having awareness of themselves, of knowledge, of their skills, their attitude and aptitude to have a voice.
Examples of Gender equity in a sentence
Assessment of Athletic ProgramsSection 1006.71, F.S., Gender equity in intercollegiate athletics, is applicable to postsecondary institutions offering athletic programs.
Gender equity principles will be respected in the implementation of all Project activities.
Gender equity in the health workforce: analysis of 104 countries.
Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs.
Gender equity in the health workforce: Analysis of 104 countries.
More Definitions of Gender equity
Gender equity means the just distribution of benefits, rewards and opportunities in which relations between women, men, girls and boys are based on respect for differences;
Gender equity means the full and equal enjoyment of rights and freedoms and equal access to resources, opportunities and outcomes, by females and males;
Gender equity means the just and fair distribution of benefits, rewards and opportunities between women, men, girls and boys;
Gender equity means the just and fair distribution of benefits, rewards
Gender equity means the just and fair distribution of benefits, rewards and opportunities between
Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs. This may include equal treatment or treatment that is different but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations and opportunities. In the development context, a gender equity goal often requires built-in measures to compensate for the historical and social disadvantages of women.
Gender equity means that women and men, independently of their biological differences, are entitled to just and equal access to the use, control and benefit of the same goods and services provided by society; as well as, to the decision making processes in their social, economic, political, cultural and family ambits. That is, the acceptance of the differences between men and women, and that neither unjustly benefits the expense of the other one69.