Examples of General civil cases in a sentence
General civil cases are managed by case management judges designated by the Presiding Judge.
Electronic versions of the Case Management Order and Case Management Plan for Streamlined and General civil cases can be found on the website for the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit.
By signing the consent form, the witness attests that the information in the consent form and any other written information was accurately explained to, and apparently understood by, the subject or the subject’s legally acceptable representative (i.e., legally authorized representative, surrogate, or parent/guardian), and that informed consent was freely given by the subject or the subject’s legally acceptable representative.
GENERAL CIVIL - General civil cases arise out of disputes between individuals, businesses, organizations or any combination thereof.
The deadlines established in this DCM Order are set in conformity with the Supreme Court Order’s directive that General civil cases be managed according to the time standards specified in Florida Rule of General Practice and Judicial Administration 2.250(a)(1)(B).
General civil cases -- tort, contract, and real property cases not filed as small claims -- were 37 percent, most of them contract cases (Civil Caseloads, at 21).
General civil cases may voluntarily enter into the court’s or court‐affiliated ADR programs by any of the following means:• Filing a Stipulation to ADR: Complete and file the Stipulation form (attached to this packet and available on the court’s website); or• Indicating your ADR preferences on the Case Management Statement (available on the court’s website); or• Contacting the court’s ADR Department (see below), the Bar Association of San Francisco’s ADR Services, or Community Boards.