Generation Licence definition
Examples of Generation Licence in a sentence
Electricity Generation Licence On December 18, 2002, the OEB issued an electricity generation licence to TH Energy and TREC Windpower Co- operative (No.1) Incorporated (the co-venturers), in connection with a wind turbine located at Exhibition Place in the City.
The Seller shall procure that the design of the Construction Works shall be carried out with all proper skill and care and in all material respects in accordance with this Agreement, including the Technical Specifications, the Laws of Tanzania (including the Seller Consents and the Generation Licence), Prudent Utility Practices and Prudent Electrical Utility Practices, so that the Complex is reasonably expected to provide a useful life of not less than the Term.
The Applicant holds a Generation Licence pursuant to s6 of the Electricity Act 1989 which means the Applicant is a statutory undertaker and falls within section 28G.
The principal activity of the Company is to generate and distribute electricity in its licence area of Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, pursuant to a 20-year exclusive Transmission & Distribution (“T&D”) Licence and a 21.5 year Generation Licence with the Cayman Islands Government (“Government”), which expire in April 2028 and September 2029 respectively.
The principal activity of the Company is to generate and distribute electricity in its licence area of Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, pursuant to a 20-year exclusive Transmission & Distribution (“T&D”) Licence and a 25 year non–exclusive Generation Licence (collectively the “Licences”) with the Cayman Islands Government (the “Government”), which expire in April 2028 and November 2039 respectively.