Examples of GHG Regulations in a sentence
Most other activities such as agriculture, transport, built environment, waste and smaller industry, however, are subject to the GHG Regulations which has set a specific target for Ireland of a 30% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030.
However, as mentioned above, EPA’s SmartWay Program is a voluntary system, and does not involve any federal standards or test procedures that could be considered inconsistent with California’s HD GHG Regulations.
EPA and State Regulatory Changes 2‐1EPA Revised Definition of Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge Incineration Regulations 2‐1State Revisions of 503 Rule 2‐2County and Local Restrictions 2‐3Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Regulations 2‐4Concerns Regarding Adequacy of the 503 Rule 2‐4Changing Risk Assessment Factors 2‐5EPA Response to NAS Report 2‐5Validity of Indicator Organisms 2‐6Biosolids Odor 2‐7Phosphorus‐based Land Application Rates 2‐8Research and Emerging Issues 2‐9Climate Change 2‐13Public Perception.
Therefore, the SGER must be amended to accommodate the GHG Regulations or a new provincial regulation must be developed.
Job Title / PostResponsibilitiesSite LeadThe Site Lead is responsible for the overall operation of the site including compliance with the GHG Regulations and the requirements of the GHG permit.
In its comment, OOIDA states that the HD GHG Regulations impose large expenses on thousands of small and financially struggling carriers.82Regarding cost of compliance arguments such as OOIDA’s, EPA’s previous waiver decisions indicate that cost of compliance as it relates to lead time must be shown to be excessive intime to allow technological developments, refers to the economic costs of motor vehicle emission standards and accompanying enforcement procedures.
In order for the GOA to maintain jurisdiction, it must develop or adapt a provincial regulation that can deliver an equivalent emission reduction to GHG Regulations in Alberta.
Early Shutdown - This option proposed awarding emissions credits for permanent shutdown of coal units prior to the GHG Regulations End of Useful Life date that could be used in the Alberta Emission Trading System.
Since the overall footprint has not changed since the initial review, it has been determined that this finding is still valid.
However, Capital Power nevertheless participated in the without prejudice discussions regarding potential alternative concepts in the spirit of the CASA principles of open “interest based” discussion, and looking for potential win-win solutions.The EFR discussed a range of alternative concepts that their proponents claimed might address potential issues related to the implementation of the federal GHG Regulations together with the Alberta Framework.