Governance Team definition
Examples of Governance Team in a sentence
The Information Governance Team provides a central point for release of information under Data Protection and Freedom of Information following formal requests for information; any queries about the disclosure of information can be forwarded to the Information Governance Team.
The Board of Trustees has approved norms for the Governance Team and has agreed to informally review how well those norms were implemented.
Councillors were reminded that if they had an item they wanted to add to the agenda, that they should send their requests to the Governance Team.
A member of the Governance Team will be available to co-ordinate this.
If you would like to ask a question or speak at a meeting, you will need to submit your request to a member of the Governance Team in advance of the meeting.
If you are unsure of whether a conflict has risen or may arise in future, please seek advice from the Executive Office and Governance Team.
Examples of personal data incidents might occur through: • Loss or theft of data or equipment • Ineffective access controls allowing unauthorised use • Equipment failure • Unauthorised disclosure (e.g. email sent to the incorrect recipient) • Human error • Hacking attack Any suspected data protection incident must be brought to the attention of the Schools Information Governance Team who will investigate and decide if the incident constitutes a data protection breach.
You can request to speak at a Council meeting by emailing your full name, the agenda item and your question to the Governance Team using Any requests need to be received by 4pm on the day that provides 2 clear working days before the meeting (excluding the day of the meeting itself).
This will include the relevant manager meeting with the declarer to agree and document resolution, record in personal file, and notify the Governance Team (who oversee the register of interests) of next steps taken to resolve the conflict.
Describe how specific Governance Team practices achieved or contributed to the outstanding accomplishmentfor the criteria area.