Grade A definition
Grade A means that milk and milk products are produced and processed in accordance with the current Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance as adopted by the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments and the United States Public Health Service – Food and Drug Administration. The term Grade A is applicable to "dairy farm", "milk hauler-sampler", "milk plant", "milk product", "receiving station", "transfer station","bulk milk pickup tank", and "certified pasteurizer sealer" whenever used in the Act. (Section 3(a) of the Act)
Grade A means the standard of quality which may be attached to all those products which meet the requirements of and have been processed in accordance with the requirements of the RIDOH's administrative regulations based on the Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO).
Grade A means with respect to a Device, such Device is like new.
Examples of Grade A in a sentence
Provide tie bolts and nuts that are of steel meeting ASTM A 307 Grade A.
Perform the rotational capacity test according to ASTM F 3125 Grade A 325, except as modified by this specification.
PAGE 522 10/01/18 Replace all instances of “ASTM A 325” with “ASTM F 3125 Grade A 325”.
PAGE 517 10/01/18 Replace all instances of “ASTM A 325” with “ASTM F 3125 Grade A 325”.
PAGE 529 10/01/18 Replace all instances of “ASTM A 325” with “ASTM F 3125 Grade A 325”.
More Definitions of Grade A
Grade A. The position is closely supervised. It involves duties and tasks which are specified and clear and are carried out in accordance with well-defined procedures. The duties must be defined in detail, be free from ambiguity and give relatively little scope for discretion.
Grade A means “grade A” milk products as defined in the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance pursuant to Mil 301.01.
Grade A means the absence of Litter, debris, Detritus, loose chippings, excreta, accident debris, leaf and blossom fall, other rubbish and animal carcasses or remains or any other material fouling Land Use surfaces.
Grade A. ; means the absence of litter, debris, detr itus, loose chippings, excreta, accident debris, leaf fall, other rubbish and animal carcasses or remains or any other material fouling street surfaces.)
Grade A means the absence of litter, debris, detritus, loose chippings, excreta, accident debris, leaf fall, other rubbish and animal carcasses or remains or any other material fouling street surfaces.
Grade A means that milk and milk products are produced and processed in
Grade A means that milk and milk products are produced and processed in accordance with the current Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance as adopted by