Examples of Grant Contribution in a sentence
The amount of grant your Beneficiary receives is based on Contributions you make until the end of year in which the Beneficiary turns 17 years of age and any available Grant Contribution Room the Beneficiary may have up to that time.
Contributors may make Contributions in the form of (i) a Grant Contribution or (ii) a Capital Contribution, in the manner set out in paragraphs 3.2 through 3.
For the pattern-based prompt template, we provide a passage, followed by a question asking about the relationship between two entities that occurred in the passage.
Eligible expenditure can include, but is not limited to:• Construction materials directly applied to the project.• Plant and equipment operational costs where directly used on grant project activities.• Labour expenditure for employees directly engaged on project activities, recorded as part of the grantee’s in-kind contribution but excluded from the Eligible Grant Contribution.
See Annex 4 of IFC Strategy and Business Outlook Update (FY20-FY22) for more details.159 For the purposes of Minimum Grant Contribution benchmark calculation, IDA17 basic grant equivalent contribution includes compensation for grant principal foregone.
The buyer may seek rescission of the contract, and/or claim damages.The UAE law distinguishes between damages payable for ‘direct’ loss and damages payable for ‘consequential’ loss.
Appendix 4 provides the Status of Grant Contribution and Statement of TA Expenditures of the PRF Regional Window and the PRF PRC Window, as of 31 March 2009, respectively.
The amount of the Founder’s Grant Contribution for each Eligible Participant shall be Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).
Deferred Grant Contribution Deferred grant contribution represents the accelerated receipt of an operating grant payment from Industry and Resources.
This report seeks Council approval to allocate funds from the 2017/2018 Grant Contribution Fund as required under the Fire Access Road Subsidy Scheme Agreement.