Grantee Representative definition
Examples of Grantee Representative in a sentence
Print or type information on the grantee representative/contact person authorized to answer questions on the application: Grantee Representative NAME and TITLE:Address: E-Mail Address:Phone #: Fax #: 7.
Print or type the name of the grantee representative authorized to address contractual issues, including the authority to execute a contract on behalf of the vendor, and to whom legal notices regarding contract termination or breach, should be sent (if not the same individual as in #6, provide the following information on each such representative and specify their function): Grantee Representative NAME and TITLE: Address: E-Mail Address:Phone #: Fax #:8.
Print or type the name of the grantee representative authorized to address contractual issues, including the authority to execute a contract on behalf of the vendor, and to whom legal notices regarding contract termination or breach, should be sent (if not the same individual as in #6, provide the following information on each such representative and specify their function): Grantee Representative NAME and TITLE: Address: E-Mail Address: Phone #: Fax #: 8.
Print or type information on the grantee representative/contact person authorized to answer questions on the application: Grantee Representative NAME and TITLE:Address: E-Mail Address: Phone #: Fax #: 7.
Landowner Signature) (Date) (Landowner Name Please Print) (Date) (Landowner Signature) (Date) (Landowner Name Please Print) (Date) (Grantee Representative Signature) (Date)Must be an officer of the organization (Grantee Representative Please Print) (Date)OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PLAN Proper operation and maintenance of nutrient and sediment load reduction practices (“practices”) is critical for their success and longevity.
Date: Signature of Authorized Grantee Representative Print Name and Title Date: Signature of Authorized District Representative Print Name and Title RESOLUTION NO.
Print or type the name of the grantee representative authorized to address contractual issues, including the authority to execute a contract on behalf of the vendor, and to whom legal notices regarding contract termination or breach, should be sent (if not the same individual as in #6, provide the following information on each such representative and specify their function): Grantee Representative NAME and TITLE: Address: E-Mail Address:Phone #: Fax #: 8.
Grantee Representative Jennifer Hammond, Director City of SpokaneSpokane Police Department, Police Business Services Public Safety Building1100 W.
Landowner Signature) (Date) (Landowner Name Please Print) (Date) (Landowner Signature) (Date) (Landowner Name Please Print) (Date) (Grantee Representative Signature) (Date) Must be an officer of the organization (Grantee Representative Please Print) (Date) OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PLAN Proper operation and maintenance of nutrient and sediment load reduction practices (“practices”) is critical for their success and longevity.
Grantee Fiscal Officer Grantee Representative or Fiscal Agent (if applicable) Printed Name Date: Vendor Code: Printed Name Date: Fund No.: Xxx No.: I certify that the·State Agency financial and vendor file information agree with the above submitted information.