GSA means the General Services Administration.
GSA. (Greater Sydney Area) means within the area bounded by the Local Government areas of Pittwater, Hornsby, Baulkham Hills, Hawkesbury, Penrith, Liverpool, Wollondilly, Campbelltown and Sutherland.
GSA means a geographical service area designated by the Administration within which a contractor provides, directly or through a subcontract, a covered health care service to a member enrolled with the contractor.
Examples of GSA in a sentence
General Services Administration (GSA) System for Award Management (XXX) Excluded Parties List (xxxx://
The Hourly Marginal Avoided Cost Rate shall be calculated by DEP or DEC, respectively, based upon the methodology specified in the applicable GSA Tariff.
Submit comments identified by Information Collection 3090-0329; “Overseas Employment Service Agreement (GSA Form 5040)” to: xxxxx://
The terms of this ‘BBC Script Agreement for Television and Online’ shall apply to all GSA contracts previously commissioned.
For information on "open skies" agreements in which the United States has entered, please refer to the General Services Administration’s (GSA) website at xxxx://
More Definitions of GSA
GSA means a geographic service area.
GSA means General Sales Agent;
GSA means a groundwater sustainability agency.
GSA means the General Services Administration, the independent U.S. federal government agency that manages real estate procurement for the federal government and federal agencies.
GSA means an agency authorized by SGMA to regulate a portion of the Subbasin cooperatively with all other Groundwater Sustainability Agencies in the Basin, in compliance with the terms and provisions of the Cosumnes GSP.
GSA means the United States Gen-eral Services Administration.(j) Primary recipient means any recipi- ent which is authorized or required to extend Federal financial assistance to another recipient.(k) Program or activity means all of the operations of any entity described in paragraphs (k)(1) through (4) of this section, any part of which is extended Federal financial assistance:
GSA means Groundwater Sustainability Agency as defined by the 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. In this charter GSA refers to the Siskiyou County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the established local GSA for the Shasta, Scott and Butte Valley groundwater basins.