Examples of GTSR Program in a sentence
In December and January 2016, PG&E executed eight GTSR Program PPAs for a total of 52.75 MW, which were filed for approval as part of Advice Letter 4780-E on January 22, 2016.
ORA supports the three utility proposals to modify and leverage the existing GTSR Program framework and recommends the Commission adopt the proposals, with some modifications, as part of a five-year pilot with study and evaluation after the second and fifth year.
Joint Utilities ask the Commission to loosen the securities opinion requirements for ECR projects under the GTSR Program to make it less financially burdensome for ECR project developers to comply.
Because of the lag between the launch of the GTSR Program and the time to bring new resources online, it is reasonable and efficient to use existing RPS resources to supply the customers who sign up for the GTSR Program before new resources are procured.
Section 8 of this decision for a complete description of GTSR Program reporting requirements.
Additionality is a key aspect of SB 43, and unless the IOUs are directed to begin procurement for GTSR customers immediately, there is a risk that no additional renewable resources will be procured in time to matter for the GTSR Program.
Advanced procurement increases the additionality attributes of the GTSR Program.
Senate Bill (SB) 43 enacted the Green Tariff Shared Renewables (GTSR) Program.1 The GTSR Program is intended to (1) expand access “to all eligible renewable energy resources to all ratepayers who are currently unable to access the benefits of onsite generation,”2 and (2) “create a mechanism whereby institutional customers…commercial customers and groups of individuals .
The 70 MW procured for this program would be separate from and incremental to the 45 MW of solar facilities reserved for service to customers in DACs in PG&E’s GTSR Program.
SDG&E emphasizes that the VMOP procurement strategy that it set forth in its 2013 RPS Procurement Plan includes a limited volume of procurement associated with new programs, such as the GTSR Program, that reflect the changing needs of its customers.105 ORA asserts that VMOP is not a sufficient mitigation if GTSR provides SDG&E with undue discretion for using its VMOP to procure excess RPS resources.